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[英]Create index in Mongoose for array of objects



var ShopsSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: {
    type: String,
    required: true

var ShopsModel = mongoose.model("Shops", ShopsSchema);


var FieldGroupsSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  title: {
    type: String,
    required: true
  fields: [{
    label: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    handle: {
      type: String,
      required: true
  shop: {
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: "Shops"

var FieldGroupsModel = mongoose.model("FieldGroups", FieldGroupsSchema)


我需要為FieldGroupsModel fields[i].handle值創建索引,該索引需要兩個規則; 它對於每個FieldGroupsModel實例都必須是唯一的,因此此數據將無效:

  title: "Some field group title here",
  fields: [
      label: "Some label 1"
      handle: "some-label-1"
      label: "Some label 1"
      handle: "some-label-1" // Error: `some-label-1` already exists as a value of `fields[i].handle`.
  shop: {
    "$oid": "1"

第二條規則是,第一條規則僅應用於共享相同shop價值的FieldGroupsModel實例。 因此,此數據將無效:

// First bit of data
  title: "Some field group title here",
  fields: [
      label: "Some label 1"
      handle: "some-label-1"
  shop: {
    "$oid": "1"

// Second bit of data
  title: "Another field group title here",
  fields: [
      label: "Some label 1"
      handle: "some-label-1" // Error: `some-label-1` already exists as a value of `fields[i].handle` of a document which shares the same `shop` value.
  shop: {
    "$oid": "1"


// First bit of data
  title: "Some field group title here",
  fields: [
      label: "Some label 1"
      handle: "some-label-1"
  shop: {
    "$oid": "1"

// Second bit of data
  title: "Another field group title here",
  fields: [
      label: "Some label 1"
      handle: "some-label-1" // This is valid because there's no other documents with the same `shop` value with the same `fields[i].handle` value.
  shop: {
    "$oid": "2"

我是很新的蒙戈和貓鼬所以這里的任何幫助將不勝感激! :)

您調用index你的架構對象上的方法來做到這一點,如圖在這里 對於您的情況,它將類似於:

FieldGroupsSchema.index({"shop": 1, "fields.handle": 1}, {unique: true});



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