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ionic 2從格式錯誤的json獲取數據

[英]ionic 2 get data from malformed json

無論如何,我可以獲得這種格式錯誤的json格式,這很奇怪,我無法手動控制此json,所以我需要獲取此數據並使用可從http get觀察到的rxjs對其進行操作

  "firstNm": "Ronald",
  "lastNm": "Mandez",
  "avatarImage": "https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/74.jpg"

  "firstNm": "Ronald",
  "lastNm": "Mandez",
  "avatarImage": "https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/74.jpg"

  "firstNm": "Ronald",
  "lastNm": "Mandez",
  "avatarImage": "https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/74.jpg"

我在控制台中嘗試使用您的JSON,這似乎可行。 在我使用的map函數中,您可能可以實現更通用的替換方法來更改字符串,但是它適用於本示例。

function fixBadJSON(response){
let badJSON = JSON.stringify(response); // added this edit in case you don't know how to get the response to a string
let arr = badJSON.split('}\n');  // Looks like the JSON elements are split by linefeeds preceded by closing bracket, make into arr length of 3
let fixedArr = arr.map((item)=>{  // map the array to another, replace the comma at the end of the avatarImage key.  elements in array should be proper JSON
    if(item[item.length] != '}') item += '}';  //put the brackets back at thend of the string if they got taken out in the split, probably a better way to handle this logic with regex etc
    return item.replace('jpg",','jpg"')
let parsedJSON = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(fixedArr));
return parsedJSON 


當您從服務獲得響應以轉換數據時調用該函數。 至於可觀察的鏈和任何異步問題,您可能會發現它們是分開的。 此函數僅用於轉換格式錯誤的JSON。


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