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[英]Creating dynamic tables from JSON data with angular-directives


        "id": 31,
        "name": "Foosie",
        "terms": [{
                "term": 24,
                "monthly": 190.09
                "term": 27,
                "monthly": 179.6
                "term": 30,
                "monthly": 178.78
                "term": 33,
                "monthly": 178.06
                "term": 36,
                "monthly": 171.11
                "term": 39,
                "monthly": 215.36
        "id": 35,
        "name": "Barrie",
        "terms": [{
                "term": 24,
                "monthly": 199.61
                "term": 27,
                "monthly": 188.05
                "term": 30,
                "monthly": 186.37
                "term": 33,
                "monthly": 184.95
                "term": 36,
                "monthly": 177.41
                "term": 39,
                "monthly": 220.85
        "id": 23,
        "name": "Boosie",
        "terms": [{
                "term": 24,
                "monthly": 290.04
                "term": 27,
                "monthly": 287.01
                "term": 36,
                "monthly": 257.07
                "term": 39,
                "monthly": 245.85
                "term": 42,
                "monthly": 241.45

我試圖用垂直和水平表創建一個表。 (Vertical = names [Boosie, Foosie, Barrie], Horizontal = terms [24,27,...]

每月是一個按鈕<button (click)="selectPayment(id, term)"></button> ,它傳遞所選單元格的ID和期限。

演示的jsfiddle: https ://jsfiddle.net/34k8ytrk/ [注意:這是為了快速演示而使用<table></table>完成的,您的響應不必是表]

我知道我需要跟蹤名稱和術語,因為每個月都取決於名稱和術語,但是我被困在地獄中並且很難弄清楚它。 我知道我可能必須對數據進行一些操作才能完成這項工作。 任何幫助,將不勝感激。


        <!-- assuming all terms are the same, just take the first of the object -->
        <td *ngFor="let head of uniqueHeaders">{{head}}</td>
    <tr *ngFor="let bank of banks; let i = index">
        <td *ngFor="let head of uniqueHeaders">{{getColumnData(head, i)}}</td>


class BankDatabase {

    banks: BankData[] // your bank data

    get uniqueHeaders(): number[] {

      // We want a unique array of numbers for the header
      let _uniqueHeader = []

      this.banks.forEach((bank) => {
          bank.terms.forEach((term) => {
          // Append the term if it has not been added yet
          if (!_uniqueHeader.includes(term.term))

      // This should return a unique array of all terms combined
      return _uniqueHeader

    // head is the currently iterated column
    // i is the index of the bank (in your example 0 - 2)
    getColumnData(head, i): string {

      const matchingData = this.banks[i].terms.find(_term => _term.term === head)
      // If matching data found, return it's monthly value, else return empty string
      return matchingData && matchingData.monthly || ''

這是你想要的嗎? banks是您擁有的json數據。

請注意 ,我使用的是getter函數來平整headers數組,這很草率,您應該通過將平整的數據保存到屬性中進行優化,並在需要時從那里獲取它。 您可能還需要采取額外的步驟對數組進行排序,因為在我的示例中,該數組恰巧是從給定的示例數據中進行排序的。



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