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[英]Send email from cell value google sheet, with other columns in email



例如,如果“ C”列發生更改,是否可以發送電子郵件,其中包含“ C”列更改的同一行中“ A”列和“ B”列的數據?


function sendNotifications() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var cell = ss.getActiveCell().getA1Notation();
var row = sheet.getActiveRange().getRow();
var cellvalue = ss.getActiveCell().getValue().toString();
var recipients = email@domain.com";
var message = '';
var cellA = ''
message = sheet.getRange('A'+ sheet.getActiveCell().getRowIndex()).getValue()
var subject = 'Update to '+sheet.getName();
var body = + cellvalue + '». For message: «' + message + '»';
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body);

下面的代碼檢查是否已編輯的單元格位於C列中,如果滿足條件,則從已編輯的行中獲取A列和B列的值。 在Google Apps腳本中,onEdit()是內置函數,當您在電子表格中進行更改時會自動觸發。 “ e”參數表示事件對象,您可以檢查該事件對象以獲取有關事件發生的上下文的更多詳細信息

function onEdit(e){

  var editRange = e.range; // e is the event object generated by the Edit event
  var editRow = editRange.getRow();   // get row and column for the edited cell
  var editCol = editRange.getColumn();

  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
                            .getSheetByName("Sheet1"); // put your sheet name between the brackets

  if (editCol == 3) {   // checking if the edited cell was in column C

      var range = sheet.getRange(editRow, 1, 1, editCol - 1); // Take 1st cell in the edited row and make it span 1 row and 2 columns
      var values = range.getValues(); // get values array for the range



結果變量(“值”)是一個數組,因此必須遍歷它才能獲取字符串值。 至於電子郵件,您可以將多個電子郵件存儲在一個單元格中,並以逗號分隔。 在字符串上調用split()方法將獲得一個值(電子郵件)數組,然后可以將其作為第一個參數傳遞給sendEmail方法。

  var cellValue = "email@example.com,anotheremail@example.com,yetanotheremail@example.com";
  var recipients = cellValue.split(",");  
  MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, "From google-apps-script", "hello from google apps script")


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