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使用自定義表單的Spring Security登錄

[英]Spring Security login with customized form


public class WebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter{

        private ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService;

        public void globalUserDetails(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {

        protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {



public class IndexController extends BaseController {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String login() {
        return "login";

嗨,我正在嘗試使用帶有自定義登錄表單的Spring安全性。 我的問題是:

  1. 當我輸入localhost:8080/login ,瀏覽器沒有定向到我的login.jsp,它只是彈出帶有文本框的默認表單以輸入用戶名和密碼。

  2. 輸入用戶名“ username”,密碼“ password”后,返回認證失敗。


Request '/login' matched by universal pattern '/**'
DEBUG - matched
DEBUG - /login at position 1 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'WebAsyncManagerIntegrationFilter'
DEBUG - /login at position 2 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'SecurityContextPersistenceFilter'
DEBUG - /login at position 3 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'HeaderWriterFilter'
DEBUG - /login at position 4 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'LogoutFilter'
DEBUG - Trying to match using Ant [pattern='/logout', GET]
DEBUG - Checking match of request : '/login'; against '/logout'
DEBUG - Trying to match using Ant [pattern='/logout', POST]
DEBUG - Request 'GET /login' doesn't match 'POST /logout
DEBUG - Trying to match using Ant [pattern='/logout', PUT]
DEBUG - Request 'GET /login' doesn't match 'PUT /logout
DEBUG - Trying to match using Ant [pattern='/logout', DELETE]
DEBUG - Request 'GET /login' doesn't match 'DELETE /logout
DEBUG - No matches found
DEBUG - /login at position 5 of 11 in additional filter chain; firing Filter: 'BasicAuthenticationFilter'
DEBUG - Basic Authentication Authorization header found for user 'username'
DEBUG - Authentication attempt using org.springframework.security.authentication.dao.DaoAuthenticationProvider
DEBUG - User 'username' not found
DEBUG - Returning cached instance of singleton bean 'delegatingApplicationListener'
DEBUG - Authentication request for failed: org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException: Bad credentials

似乎匿名用戶無法訪問/ login



DEBUG - Basic Authentication Authorization header found for user 'username'


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