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兩種服務的HTTP Google計算引擎

[英]Two Services HTTP google compute engine

我需要在Google計算引擎的同一實例中啟動兩個服務HTTP(Apache HTTP和Glassfish HTTP都為端口80)。 我已經在尋找端口轉發和IP,但是發現它們非常令人困惑。 有沒有人需要這種環境? 您可以逐步幫助我嗎?

您不能在同一端口上啟動兩個服務。 您將需要將HTTP請求重定向到Tomcat。 為了實現這一點,您將需要將Apache配置為反向代理。 在這里,您可以閱讀有關它的更多信息[1]。


# mod_proxy setup.
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /webapps http://localhost:8080
ProxyPassReverse /webapps http://localhost:8080

<Location "/webapps">
  # Configurations specific to this location. Add what you need.
  # For instance, you can add mod_proxy_html directives to fix
  # links in the HTML code. See link at end of this page about using
  # mod_proxy_html.

  # Allow access to this proxied URL location for everyone.
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all


[1] https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/howto/reverse_proxy.html [2] https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/TomcatReverseProxy [3] https://rvdb.wordpress.com / 2012/04/26 / reverse-proxying-tomcat-webapps-behind-apache /


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