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[英]Type annotation for classmethod returning instance

我應該如何注釋一個返回cls實例的@classmethod 這是一個不好的例子:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, bar: str):
        self.bar = bar

    def with_stuff_appended(cls, bar: str) -> ???:
        return cls(bar + "stuff")

這將返回一個Foo但更准確地返回調用它的Foo的任何子類,因此使用-> "Foo"進行注釋還不夠好。

訣竅是顯式向cls參數添加注釋,結合TypeVar ,用於泛型Type ,以表示類而不是實例本身,如下所示:

from typing import TypeVar, Type

# Create a generic variable that can be 'Parent', or any subclass.
T = TypeVar('T', bound='Parent')

class Parent:
    def __init__(self, bar: str) -> None:
        self.bar = bar

    def with_stuff_appended(cls: Type[T], bar: str) -> T:
        # We annotate 'cls' with a typevar so that we can
        # type our return type more precisely
        return cls(bar + "stuff")

class Child(Parent):
    # If you're going to redefine __init__, make sure it
    # has a signature that's compatible with the Parent's __init__,
    # since mypy currently doesn't check for that.

    def child_only(self) -> int:
        return 3

# Mypy correctly infers that p is of type 'Parent',
# and c is of type 'Child'.
p = Parent.with_stuff_appended("10")
c = Child.with_stuff_appended("20")

# We can verify this ourself by using the special 'reveal_type'
# function. Be sure to delete these lines before running your
# code -- this function is something only mypy understands
# (it's meant to help with debugging your types).
reveal_type(p)  # Revealed type is 'test.Parent*'
reveal_type(c)  # Revealed type is 'test.Child*'

# So, these all typecheck

通常,您可以不加注釋cls (和self ),但是如果您需要引用特定的子類,則可以添加顯式注釋 請注意,此功能仍處於試驗階段,在某些情況下可能存在錯誤。 您可能還需要使用從 Github 克隆的最新版本的 mypy,而不是 pypi 上可用的版本——我不記得該版本是否支持類方法的此功能。

為了完整起見,在 Python 3.7 中,您可以使用PEP 563中定義的postponed evaluation of annotations ,方法是在文件開頭導入from __future__ import annotations


from __future__ import annotations

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, bar: str):
        self.bar = bar

    def with_stuff_appended(cls, bar: str) -> Foo:
        return cls(bar + "stuff")

根據文檔,從 Python 3.11 開始,此導入將有效地自動進行。


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