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Excel VBA:日期比較

[英]Excel VBA: Date Comparison

因此,我目前正在嘗試編寫代碼以將當前日期與其他兩個日期進行比較,以確定信息的有效性。 例如,如果日期在一年的第一季度和第二季度之間,則該文檔上的信息以第一季度的日期(3月31日)為准。 以下是我目前擁有的內容,由於某種原因,即使當前日期為七月,代碼仍會說該信息自3月31日起有效。有人有任何建議嗎?

crntDate = Date
q1End = CDate("Mar 31" & " " & Year(Date))
q2End = CDate("Jun 30" & " " & Year(Date))
q3End = CDate("Sep 30" & " " & Year(Date))
q4End = CDate("Dec 31" & " " & Year(Date))

If q1End <= crntDate <= q2End Then
    quart = "Q1" & " " & Year(Date)
ElseIf q2End <= crntDate <= q3End Then
    quart = "Q2" & " " & Year(Date)
ElseIf q3End <= crntDate <= q4End Then
    quart = "Q3" & " " & Year(Date)
    quart = "Q4" & " " & Year(Date)
End If

shName = "Quarterly Reporting for" & " " & firstName & " " & lastName & " " & "(" & quart & ")"
With wdApp.ActiveDocument
    .SaveAs2 "https://path/" & shName & ".docx"
End With


Sub test()

  Dim quart As String
  quart = GetDateAsQuarterYear(VBA.Date)

  shName = "Quarterly Reporting for" & " " & firstName & " " & lastName & " " & "(" & quart & ")"
  With wdApp.ActiveDocument
    .SaveAs2 "https://path/" & shName & ".docx"
  End With
End Sub

Function GetDateAsQuarterYear(crntDate As Date) As String

  Dim quarterEnd As Date
  quarterEnd = DateSerial(Year(crntDate), 1 + 3 * (1 + (Month(crntDate) - 1) \ 3), 0)

  GetDateAsQuarterYear = "Q" & 1 + (Month(crntDate) - 1) \ 3 & " (" & Format$(quarterEnd, "mmmm d, yyyy") & ")"

End Function

q1End <= crntDate <= q2End在Excel中不起作用,它必須是:

q1End <= crntDate  and crntDate <= q2End


crntDate = Date
q1End = CDate("Mar 31" & " " & Year(Date))
q2End = CDate("Jun 30" & " " & Year(Date))
q3End = CDate("Sep 30" & " " & Year(Date))
q4End = CDate("Dec 31" & " " & Year(Date))

If q1End <= crntDate  and crntDate <= q2End Then
    quart = "Q2" & " " & Year(Date)
ElseIf q2End <= crntDate  and crntDate <= q3End Then
    quart = "Q3" & " " & Year(Date)
ElseIf q3End <= crntDate  and crntDate <= q4End Then
    quart = "Q4" & " " & Year(Date)
    quart = "Q1" & " " & Year(Date)
End If

shName = "Quarterly Reporting for" & " " & firstName & " " & lastName & " " & "(" & quart & ")"
With wdApp.ActiveDocument
    .SaveAs2 "https://path/" & shName & ".docx"
End With


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