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[英]JS - Pushing data into JSON structure using forEach loops on Arrays

我嘗試從與輸入數組( inputedJurisdictionArray )中的元素匹配的JSON值(從名為jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters結構中提取)。 我輸入的數組包含包含單個或多個狀態名稱的字符串值(即var inputedJurisdictionArray = ["Iowa", "California, Indiana, Delaware", "Florida"] )。 通常在結尾處正常處理此數組中的奇異State值,但在多個State值中比較棘手。 我正在使用split()以便將它們轉換為另一個數組,以便可以對其進行逐個處理。 jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters此輸入數組中的狀態之一與jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters的“狀態”值jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters ,我jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters其提取到另一個JSON結構中,並將其在每個塊的末尾推入我的初始變量myJurisdictionJSON 我遇到的問題是,一旦完成這些forEach循環,我仍然將自己的原始值留在myJurisdictionJSON ,而不是應該提取的val和counter。 jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters肯定包含應該與我的inputedJurisdictionArray的元素匹配的值,但是該信息沒有被推送到myJurisdictionJSON 我究竟做錯了什么? 任何提示/指針都會有所幫助。

var myJurisdictionJSON = [{
    jurisdiction_val: 'jurisdiction_val',
    jurisdiction_counter: 'jurisdiction_counter'

inputedJurisdictionArray.forEach(function each(item) {
    if (Array.isArray(item)) {
    } else {
        var jurisdictionInput = item;
        jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters.forEach(function each(item) {
            if (Array.isArray(item)) {
            } else { 
                if (jurisdictionInput.includes(",") === true){//Checking if more than one jurisdiction in string
                    var jurisdictionArr = jurisdictionInput.split(", ");
                    var jurisdictionCounter = item.jurisdictionCounter;
                    var jurisdictionState = item.jurisdictionState;
                    jurisdictionArr.forEach(function(element) {
                        if (myJurisdictionJSON.jurisdiction_counter == 'jurisdiction_counter'){ // If nothing is pushed into our predefined JSON object
                            if (jurisdictionState.toLowerCase() == trim(element.toLowerCase())) {
                                var jurisdictionJSON_inner = {
                                    jurisdiction_val: element,
                                    jurisdiction_counter: jurisdictionCounter
                        }else if (myJurisdictionJSON.jurisdiction_counter != 'jurisdiction_counter'){ // if an item has been pushed into myJurisdictionJSON, append the next items
                            var jurisdictionCounter = item.jurisdictionCounter;
                            var jurisdictionState = item.jurisdictionState;                                
                            if (jurisdictionState.toLowerCase() == trim(jurisdictionInput.toLowerCase())) {
                                jurisdictionJSON_inner.jurisdiction_val = jurisdictionJSON_inner.jurisdiction_val + ", " + jurisdictionInput;
                                jurisdictionJSON_inner.jurisdiction_counter = jurisdictionJSON_inner.jurisdiction_counter + ", " + jurisdictionCounter;

                else{// if only one jurisdiction state in jurisdictionInput string
                    var jurisdictionCounter = item.jurisdictionCounter;
                    var jurisdictionState = item.jurisdictionState;               
                    if (jurisdictionState.toLowerCase() == trim(jurisdictionInput.toLowerCase())) {
                        var jurisdictionJSON_inner = {
                            jurisdiction_val: jurisdictionInput,
                            jurisdiction_counter: jurisdictionCounter



 // input data as per your example let inputedJurisdictionArray = [ 'Iowa', 'California, Indiana, Delaware', 'Florida' ]; // I had to make this part up. It's missing from the example let jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters = [{ jurisdictionCounter: 2, jurisdictionState: 'Florida' }, { jurisdictionCounter: 4, jurisdictionState: 'Indiana' }, { jurisdictionCounter: 3, jurisdictionState: 'Texas' } ]; // first, fix up inputedJurisdictionArray // reduce() loops over each array element // in this case we're actually returning a LARGER // array instead of a reduced on but this method works // There's a few things going on here. We split, the current element // on the ','. Taht gives us an array. We call map() on it. // this also loops over each value of the array and returns an // array of the same length. So on each loop, trim() the whitespace // Then make the accumulator concatenate the current array. // Fat arrow ( => ) functions return the results when it's one statement. inputedJurisdictionArray = inputedJurisdictionArray.reduce( (acc, curr) => acc.concat(curr.split(',').map(el => el.trim())), [] ); // now we can filter() jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters. Loop through // each element. If its jurisdictionState property happens to be in // the inputedJurisdictionArray array, then add it to the // myJurisdictionJSON array. let myJurisdictionJSON = jsonWithListOfStatesAndCounters.filter(el => inputedJurisdictionArray['includes'](el.jurisdictionState) ); console.log(myJurisdictionJSON); 


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