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[英]Sum Quantity and Price On Specific Condition

我正在嘗試在excel文件中進行價格和數量的總和,並將它們存儲在數據庫表中。 因此,這里是(我自己嘗試學習)-假設這些是excel文件數據:

ProductId - Invoice No - Invoice Date - Price - Quantity
101 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:00 - 1000 - 10
101 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:30 - 200 - 2 
101 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:30 - 400 - 4 'These should be merged with the above one as they have the same invoice, product id and date time
102 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:30 - 400 - 20
101 - Inv-1001 - 7/11/2017 10:30 - 300 - 5
102 - Inv-1001 - 7/11/2017 10:30 - 200 - 5


ProductId - Invoice No - Invoice Date - Price - Quantity - Auto No
101 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:00 - 1000 - 10 - 1
101 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:30 - 600 - 6 - 2 'Finally merged
102 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:30 - 400 - 20 - 1
101 - Inv-1001 - 7/11/2017 10:30 - 300 - 5 - 1
102 - Inv-1001 - 7/11/2017 10:30 - 200 - 5 - 1


str = "SELECT IIF(SUM([Price]) IS NULL, 0, SUM([Price])) AS SumPrice, IIF(SUM([Quantity]) IS NULL, 0, SUM([Quantity])) AS SumQuantity FROM [" & strSheet & "$]" & _
      " WHERE [Invoice No] = '" + InvNo + "'" & _
      " AND [ProductId] = '" + ProductId+ "'" & _
      " AND [Invoice Date] = '" + strDate + "'"

Set rs = con.Execute(str)

但是在WHERE子句中,我得到了這些錯誤- 條件表達式中的數據類型不匹配

出現錯誤消息后,我確實只使用了帶有產品ID的發票號來檢查是否可行,並且確實如此(對於發票'Inv-1000'和產品ID 101)如此,但其余的excel數據均未加載-


ProductId - Invoice No - Invoice Date - Price - Quantity
101 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:00 - 1000 - 10
101 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:30 - 200 - 2 
101 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:30 - 400 - 4 
102 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:30 - 400 - 20
101 - Inv-1001 - 7/11/2017 10:30 - 300 - 5
102 - Inv-1001 - 7/11/2017 10:30 - 200 - 5


ProductId - Invoice No - Invoice Date - Price - Quantity - Auto No
101 - Inv-1000 - 7/10/2017 10:00 - 1600 - 16 - 1


這是完整的代碼(使用TextBox並將excel文件保留在D目錄中,最后將其寫在TextBox中-D:\\ SampleExcel.xlsx):

Dim recordCount As Integer 'Variable to get record count
Dim i As Integer

Private Sub btnUpload_Click()
End Sub

'**Method To Upload Excel File - Starts**
Public Sub LoadExcelSheet()
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection

'**Record Set To Check Table Records - Starts**
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs2 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs3 As ADODB.Recordset
'**Record Set To Check Table Records - Ends**

Dim i As Long

Dim strQuery As String
Dim str As String
Dim str2 As String
Dim strQuery2 As String
Dim strQuery3 As String

Dim strFile As String
Dim strSheet As String

Set con = New ADODB.Connection
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rs3 = New ADODB.Recordset

i = 0

strFile = txtFileName.Text
strSheet = "Sheet1"
con.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
con.ConnectionString = "Data Source = " & strFile & ";" & "Extended Properties = Excel 12.0;"

conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=Demo;Data Source=.;"

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM [" & strSheet & "$]"
strQuery2 = "SELECT ProductId, [Invoice No], [Invoice Date] FROM DataExcel"
strQuery3 = "SELECT ProductId, [Invoice No], [Invoice Date], [Price], [Quantity] FROM DataExcel"

rs.Open strQuery, con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
rs2.Open strQuery2, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
rs3.Open strQuery3, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

strDate = Format(Now, "YYYY-MM-DD") + " 00:00:00"

If (rs2.recordCount > 1) Then
  MsgBox "Few or all records already exist! Check excel file."
ElseIf (rs.Fields(0).Name <> rs3.Fields(0).Name Or rs.Fields(1).Name <> rs3.Fields(1).Name Or rs.Fields(2).Name <> rs3.Fields(2).Name Or rs.Fields(3).Name <> rs3.Fields(3).Name Or rs.Fields(4).Name <> rs3.Fields(4).Name) Then
  MsgBox "Column names don't match! Please check excel file."
    Do Until rs.EOF
    Dim InvNo As String
    InvNo = rs.Fields(1).Value

    Dim AutoNo As String
    Dim AutoNo2 As Integer

    Dim ProductId As String
    ProductId = rs.Fields(0).Value

    Dim ProductId2 As Integer
    ProductId2 = rs.Fields(0).Value

    Dim InvoiceDate As String
    InvoiceDate = Trim(rs.Fields(2).Value)

    Dim Price As String
    Price = Trim(rs.Fields(3).Value)

    Dim Quantity As String
    Quantity = Trim(rs.Fields(4).Value)

    strDate = Format(InvoiceDate, "YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss")

    'This is what I am doing - Checking the same invoice no, product id and invoice date.
    'If any found in the excel file, then sum up the quantity and price
    str = "SELECT IIF(SUM([Price]) IS NULL, 0, SUM([Price])) AS SumPrice, IIF(SUM([Quantity]) IS NULL, 0, SUM([Quantity])) AS SumQuantity FROM [" & strSheet & "$]" & _
          " WHERE [Invoice No] = '" + InvNo + "'" & _
          " AND [ProductId] = 101" & _
          " AND [Invoice Date] = '" + strDate + "'"

    Set rs = con.Execute(str)

    Quantity = rs.Fields("SumQuantity").Value
    Price = rs.Fields("SumPrice").Value

    'Here is the trick - Initially passed the excel file data to verify
    'and checking if any product id exists with the same invoice number in the database table
    str = "SELECT ISNULL(MAX([Auto No]),0) AS AutoNo FROM DataExcel" & _
          " WHERE [Invoice No] = '" + InvNo + "'" & _
          " AND [ProductId] = '" + ProductId + "'"

    Set rs2 = conn.Execute(str) 'Gets the auto number

    AutoNo2 = rs2.Fields("AutoNo").Value + 1 'Increments the number by one if any duplicate exists
    AutoNo = AutoNo2 & ""

    str = "INSERT INTO DataExcel (" & _
          "[ProductId], " & _
          "[Invoice No], " & _
          "[Invoice Date], " & _
          "Price, " & _
          "Quantity, " & _
          "[Auto No]" & _
          ") VALUES (" & _
          "'" + ProductId + "'," & _
          "'" + InvNo + "'," & _
          "'" + InvoiceDate + "'," & _
          "'" + Trim(Price) + "'," & _
          "'" + Trim(Quantity) + "'," & _
          "'" + AutoNo + "')"
    conn.Execute (str) 'Finally stores data with tracking or serial numbers

End If


Set rs = Nothing


Set con = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End Sub
'**Method To Upload Excel File - Ends**

TBH,我沒有嘗試運行您的查詢,因此我對您的錯誤一言不發。 但是,此查詢在這里:

strQuery = "SELECT [Invoice No],[invoice Date],[ProductId],"
strQuery += "SUM(Price) AS Price,SUM(Quantity) as Quantity"
strQuery += " FROM [" & strSheet & "$]"
strQuery += " GROUP BY [Invoice No],[invoice Date],[ProductId]"


Inv-1000    2017-07-10 10:00:00 101 1000 10
Inv-1000    2017-07-10 10:30:00 101  600  6
Inv-1000    2017-07-10 10:30:00 102  400 20
Inv-1001    2017-07-11 10:30:00 101  300  5
Inv-1001    2017-07-11 10:30:00 102  200  5




恕我直言,我相信,使用這種分組方式的唯一區別是,您還需要檢查Excel文件中的數量總和是否與導入表中已經存在的數量相同。 然后,您可以決定用新值更新數量總和,跳過導入或引發錯誤。

嘗試創建可獲取條件並計算結果的sql函數。 SQL函數是為不同類型的輸出提供動態結果的最佳方法。


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