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如何使用Python 3使用if語句在計算器中進行減法和除法運算?

[英]How can I get subtraction and division in my calculator using Python 3 to work using an if statement?

所以我之前問過一個問題,為什么我在python 3.6.1中制作的計算器中的減法和除法不起作用。 你們中的許多人都慷慨地回答,但我沒有得到想要的答案。 抱歉,我應該更具體一些,但是有沒有辦法在while循環內添加某種if語句? 這是我的代碼:

print("Welcome to Calculator!")

class Calculator:
    def addition(self,x,y):
        added = x + y
        return added
    def subtraction(self,x,y):
        subtracted = x - y
        return subtracted
    def multiplication(self,x,y):
        multiplied = x * y
        return multiplied
    def division(self,x,y):
        divided = x / y
        return divided

calculator = Calculator()

print("1 \tAddition")
print("2 \tSubtraction")
print("3 \tMultiplication")
print("4 \tDivision")
operations = int(input("What operation would you like to use?:  "))

x = int(input("How many numbers would you like to use?:  "))

if operations == 1:
    a = 0
    sum = 0
    while a < x:
        number = int(input("Please enter number here:  "))
        a += 1
        sum = calculator.addition(number,sum)
    print("The answer is", sum)
if operations == 2:
    s = 0
    diff = 0
    while s < x:
        number = int(input("Please enter number here:  "))
        s += 1 
        diff = calculator.subtraction(number, diff)
    print("The answer is", diff)
if operations == 3:
    m = 0
    prod = 1
    while m < x:
        number = int(input("Please enter number here:  "))
        m += 1
        prod = calculator.multiplication(number, prod)
    print("The answer is", prod)
if operations == 4:
    d = 0
    quo = 1
    while d < x:
        number = int(input("Please enter number here:  "))
        d += 1
        quo = calculator.division(number,quo)
    print("The answer is", quo)

基本上,減法和除法有點相反,如果我嘗試輸入2個數字,9和3進行減法,我將得到-6,而除法則將得到0.33333333(1/3)。 抱歉,如果這是一個愚蠢的問題,因為在編碼方面我是一個完整的初學者。

對於加法和乘法順序無關緊要,即9 + 6 = 6 + 9和3 * 2 = 2 * 3。 但是減法和除法不是這樣,即9-6不等於6-9。


對於第一個輸入:9,數字= 9&diff = 0,所以diff =數字-diff = 9-0 = 9

對於第二個輸入:6,number = 6&diff = 9所以diff = number-diff = 6-9 = -3



# For Subtraction
if operations == 2:
    s = 0
    diff = 0
    while s < x:
        number = int(input("Please enter number here:  "))
        s += 1
        if (s==1):
            diff = calculator.subtraction(diff, number)
    print("The answer is", diff)

#For Division
if operations == 4:
    d = 0
    quo = 1
    while d < x:
        number = int(input("Please enter number here:  "))
        d += 1
        if (d==1):
            quo = calculator.division(quo,number)
    print("The answer is", quo)


class Calculator:
    def addition(self,x,y):
        added = x + y
        return added
    def subtraction(self,x,y):
        subtracted = x - y
        return subtracted
    def multiplication(self,x,y):
        multiplied = x * y
        return multiplied
    def division(self,x,y):
        divided = x / y
        return divided

calculator = Calculator()
num1 = raw_input('First Number >')
num2 = raw_input('Second Number >')
print("1 \tAddition")
print("2 \tSubtraction")
print("3 \tMultiplication")
print("4 \tDivision")
operations = raw_input('Select operation number>')

if int(operations)== 1:
    print (calculator.addition(float(num1),float(num2)))
if int(operations)== 2:
    print (calculator.subtraction(float(num1),float(num2)))
if int(operations)== 3:
    print (calculator.multiplication(float(num1),float(num2)))
if int(operations)== 4:
    print (calculator.division(float(num1),float(num2)))


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