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如何使用Word VBA XMLHTTP對象編輯HTML文件

[英]How to edit HTML files with Word VBA XMLHTTP object

我正在寫一個Word VBA宏,該宏最終創建了等效的HTML文件。 創建此HTML文件之后,我想將它的純HTML代碼放在字符串中以進行進一步編輯(在同一宏腳本中)。 我正在處理的所有文件都通過HTTP請求訪問本地服務器,而不是本地驅動器。 這是我的一些代碼:

...{other code}...
Dim httpreq as Object
Dim htmlread as String
Set httpreq = CreateObject("MSXML.XMLHTTP")
...{other code}...
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName := HTMLFilePath, FileFormat: wdFormatFilteredHTML
httpreq.Open "POST", HTMLFilePath, False
htmlread = httpreq.responseText

..{htmlread string is modified using VBA methods like Replace}...


對於最新版本的MS Office,您可以使用Microsoft XML, v 6.0Microsoft HTML Object Library

在VBA窗口中,選擇Tools -> References -> Microsoft XML, v 6.0Tools -> References -> Microsoft HTML Object Library


Sub parse()
Dim http As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim html As New HTMLDocument
Dim htmlread As String

With CreateObject("MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP")
    .Open "GET", "http://www.google.com", False
    htmlread = .responseText
End With

html.body.innerHTML = htmlread 'raw full source code
Debug.Print html.body.innerHTML

'..{htmlread string is modified using VBA methods like Replace}...

html.body.innerHTML = htmlread 'edited source code
Debug.Print html.body.innerHTML

Set html = Nothing
End Sub


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