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[英]Use ternary operator while calling function in method


var globalSourceMapInit = true;
function makeSaSSTask(taskName, src, isSourceMap, concatFileName, dest){
  gulp.task(taskName, function() {
      return gulp.src(src) //look for all the files in src
          .pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.init()) //init the sourcemap, sourcemap help in viewing the css as it is in the style tab of inspect element
          .pipe(plugins.sass().on('error', plugins.sass.logError)) //compile sass
          .pipe(plugins.cssmin()) //minify it.
          .pipe(plugins.autoprefixer()) //auto prefix tags like -webkit- -moz- -o- etc wherever required
          .pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.write()) //write the sourcemap which was inited
          .pipe(plugins.concat(concatFileName)) //concatinate all the files in /src to concatFileName
          .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); //save concatFileName to dest

現在,我要執行的操作是:如果isSourceMap和globalSourceMapInit為true,則應該執行sourcemap init,否則不行。


return gulp.src(src)
 (isSourceMap && globalSourceMapInit ? .pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.init()) : null)
 (isSourceMap && globalSourceMapInit ? .pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.write()) : null)

如果這是可能的解決方案,那么我應該在三元運算符之后的第三個操作數之后提供什么而不是null ,或者它是否有效。


只是不要嘗試將所有內容鏈接在一起。 管道返回更改后的對象。 用它:

gulp.task(taskName, function() {
      var p = gulp.src(src); //look for all the files in src

      if (isSourceMap && globalSourceMapInit) {
         p = p.pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.init()) //init the sourcemap, sourcemap help in viewing the css as it is in the style tab of inspect element

          p = p.pipe(plugins.sass().on('error', plugins.sass.logError)) //compile sass
          .pipe(plugins.cssmin()) //minify it.
          .pipe(plugins.autoprefixer()) //auto prefix tags like -webkit- -moz- -o- etc wherever required

        if (isSourceMap && globalSourceMapInit) {
           p = p.pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.write()) //write the sourcemap which was inited

          return p.pipe(plugins.concat(concatFileName)) //concatinate all the files in /src to concatFileName
          .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); //save concatFileName to dest

當然,您也可以將isSourceMap && globalSourceMapInit存儲在變量中,以避免再次檢查,但這是次要的。

您可以使用身份轉換代替null 說使用through2軟件包(尚未測試過)

const identity = require('through2')(function(file, _, next){

return gulp.src(src)
 .pipe(isSourceMap && globalSourceMapInit ? plugins.sourcemaps.init() : identity)
 .pipe(isSourceMap && globalSourceMapInit ? plugins.sourcemaps.write() : identity)


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