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Twilio-在提供和AWS API網關鏈接時,recordStatusCallBack不返回任何json數據,並且在本地node.js服務器時工作

[英]Twilio - recordStatusCallBack not returning any json data when provided and aws api gateway link and working when node.js server locally

我想使用twilio的方法使用recordingStatusCallBack方法來訪問我的通話記錄,並且我提供了指向我的aws api網關的recordingStatusCallBack的鏈接,並在我的api網關上設置了POST請求,以便在不可用的aws lambda中返回json。 ,但是當我在機器上設置一個node.js服務器並使用ngrok對其進行隧道傳輸,並在我的recordingStatusCallBack屬性上提供該鏈接時,它工作正常。 為什么它在我的AWS API網關上不起作用?


在api-gateway的人體貼圖模板中,您需要添加“ application / x-www-form-urlencoded”作為Content-Type並將此代碼粘貼到模板中:

## convert HTML POST data or HTTP GET query string to JSON

## get the raw post data from the AWS built-in variable and give it a nicer name
#if ($context.httpMethod == "POST")
 #set($rawAPIData = $input.path('$'))
#elseif ($context.httpMethod == "GET")
 #set($rawAPIData = $input.params().querystring)
 #set($rawAPIData = $rawAPIData.toString())
 #set($rawAPIDataLength = $rawAPIData.length() - 1)
 #set($rawAPIData = $rawAPIData.substring(1, $rawAPIDataLength))
 #set($rawAPIData = $rawAPIData.replace(", ", "&"))
 #set($rawAPIData = "")

## first we get the number of "&" in the string, this tells us if there is more than one key value pair
#set($countAmpersands = $rawAPIData.length() - $rawAPIData.replace("&", "").length())

## if there are no "&" at all then we have only one key value pair.
## we append an ampersand to the string so that we can tokenise it the same way as multiple kv pairs.
## the "empty" kv pair to the right of the ampersand will be ignored anyway.
#if ($countAmpersands == 0)
 #set($rawPostData = $rawAPIData + "&")

## now we tokenise using the ampersand(s)
#set($tokenisedAmpersand = $rawAPIData.split("&"))

## we set up a variable to hold the valid key value pairs
#set($tokenisedEquals = [])

## now we set up a loop to find the valid key value pairs, which must contain only one "="
#foreach( $kvPair in $tokenisedAmpersand )
 #set($countEquals = $kvPair.length() - $kvPair.replace("=", "").length())
 #if ($countEquals == 1)
  #set($kvTokenised = $kvPair.split("="))
  #if ($kvTokenised[0].length() > 0)
   ## we found a valid key value pair. add it to the list.
   #set($devNull = $tokenisedEquals.add($kvPair))

## next we set up our loop inside the output structure "{" and "}"
#foreach( $kvPair in $tokenisedEquals )
  ## finally we output the JSON for this pair and append a comma if this isn't the last pair
  #set($kvTokenised = $kvPair.split("="))
 "$util.urlDecode($kvTokenised[0])" : #if($kvTokenised.size() > 1 && $kvTokenised[1].length() > 0)"$util.urlDecode($kvTokenised[1])"#{else}""#end#if( $foreach.hasNext ),#end


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