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[英]how to loop in ggplot2 to get many plots per page

我想循環一段由ggplot2產生圖形的代碼。 我的數據集看起來像“ prot”示例,突出顯示prot是一個種,在原始數據中,我有許多種。 對於單次加入,看起來不錯。 就循環而言,我認為它將在.pdf中每一頁放置一次迭代,但事實並非如此。 該單個圖已經創建了組合圖,所以我現在不知道如何以及在何處放置facet_wrap或facet_grid? 也許還有其他解決方案? 幫助,請幫助。


 ggplot(prot, aes(factor(genotype), value, fill = Light)) + 
 geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge") + 
 scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")

  '> prot
   Accession genotype          variable      value Light
  966    AT1G01050       WT    ML_WT_Dejan_05   219971.1    ML
  2828   AT1G01050       WT    ML_WT_Dejan_06   286308.6    ML
  4690   AT1G01050       WT    ML_WT_Dejan_14  1177873.5    ML
  6552   AT1G01050        m     ML_m_Dejan_08   861982.0    ML
  8414   AT1G01050        m     ML_m_Dejan_10  3786163.0    ML
  10276  AT1G01050        m     ML_m_Dejan_11  1289267.7    ML
  12138  AT1G01050        f     ML_f_Dejan_01   400419.3    ML
  14000  AT1G01050        f     ML_f_Dejan_04   929297.2    ML
  15862  AT1G01050        f     ML_f_Dejan_09 12245991.9    ML
  17724  AT1G01050     ntrc  ML_ntrc_Dejan_02   785773.5    ML
  19586  AT1G01050     ntrc  ML_ntrc_Dejan_03   971133.1    ML
  21448  AT1G01050     ntrc    ML_ntrc_dejan7   592207.0    ML
  23310  AT1G01050     ntrc ML_ntrc_Dejan_12R   347127.5    ML
  25204  AT1G01050       WT    FL_WT_Dejan_20   131817.0    FL
  27134  AT1G01050       WT    FL_WT_Dejan_39   560424.7    FL
  29064  AT1G01050       WT    FL_WT_Dejan_33  9304183.7    FL
  30994  AT1G01050       WT    FL_WT_Dejan_34   647452.4    FL
  32924  AT1G01050        m     FL_m_Dejan_21   712381.5    FL
  34854  AT1G01050        m     FL_m_Dejan_26  6089158.8    FL
  36784  AT1G01050        m     FL_m_Dejan_28 11341334.1    FL
  38714  AT1G01050        f     FL_f_Dejan_19 13140258.2    FL
  40644  AT1G01050        f     FL_f_Dejan_31 11256554.9    FL
  42574  AT1G01050        f     FL_f_Dejan_35  1621509.9    FL
  44504  AT1G01050        f      FL_f_Dejan37   392228.2    FL
  46434  AT1G01050     ntrc  FL_ntrc_Dejan_30  9069074.8    FL
  48364  AT1G01050     ntrc  FL_ntrc_Dejan_38   562403.6    FL
  50294  AT1G01050     ntrc   FL_ntrc_Dejan29   175258.6    FL
  79347  AT1G01050       WT    LL_WT_Dejan_41  2443625.6    LL
  81783  AT1G01050       WT    LL_WT_Dejan_43  8529143.7    LL
  84219  AT1G01050       WT    LL_WT_Dejan_49 11054552.6    LL
  86655  AT1G01050        m     LL_m_Dejan_44 14325152.0    LL
  89091  AT1G01050        m     LL_m_Dejan_45 13114486.4    LL
  91527  AT1G01050        m     LL_m_Dejan_54  8250430.1    LL
  93963  AT1G01050        f     LL_f_Dejan_47 12431354.5    LL
  96399  AT1G01050        f     LL_f_Dejan_48 11884118.5    LL
  98835  AT1G01050        f     LL_f_Dejan_53  8408509.1    LL
  101271 AT1G01050     ntrc  LL_ntrc_Dejan_46 12214783.1    LL
  103707 AT1G01050     ntrc  LL_ntrc_Dejan_50  1286828.3    LL
  106143 AT1G01050     ntrc  LL_ntrc_Dejan_42  1819043.9    LL

  plots<- list()

  for (i in 1:length(IDs)){
  temp <- prot[(prot$Accession)==IDs[i],]
  p<- ggplot(temp, aes(factor(genotype), value, fill = Light)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge") +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  plots[[i]] <- p
  #plots[[paste(i)]] = p
  #multiplot(plotlist = plots, cols = 1)



prot1 <- read.table(text="
n  Accession genotype          variable      value Light
  966    AT1G01050       WT    ML_WT_Dejan_05   219971.1    ML
  2828   AT1G01050       WT    ML_WT_Dejan_06   286308.6    ML
  4690   AT1G01050       WT    ML_WT_Dejan_14  1177873.5    ML
  6552   AT1G01050        m     ML_m_Dejan_08   861982.0    ML
  8414   AT1G01050        m     ML_m_Dejan_10  3786163.0    ML
  10276  AT1G01050        m     ML_m_Dejan_11  1289267.7    ML
  12138  AT1G01050        f     ML_f_Dejan_01   400419.3    ML
  14000  AT1G01050        f     ML_f_Dejan_04   929297.2    ML
  15862  AT1G01050        f     ML_f_Dejan_09 12245991.9    ML
  17724  AT1G01050     ntrc  ML_ntrc_Dejan_02   785773.5    ML
  19586  AT1G01050     ntrc  ML_ntrc_Dejan_03   971133.1    ML
  21448  AT1G01050     ntrc    ML_ntrc_dejan7   592207.0    ML
  23310  AT1G01050     ntrc ML_ntrc_Dejan_12R   347127.5    ML
  25204  AT1G01050       WT    FL_WT_Dejan_20   131817.0    FL
  27134  AT1G01050       WT    FL_WT_Dejan_39   560424.7    FL
  29064  AT1G01050       WT    FL_WT_Dejan_33  9304183.7    FL
  30994  AT1G01050       WT    FL_WT_Dejan_34   647452.4    FL
  32924  AT1G01050        m     FL_m_Dejan_21   712381.5    FL
  34854  AT1G01050        m     FL_m_Dejan_26  6089158.8    FL
  36784  AT1G01050        m     FL_m_Dejan_28 11341334.1    FL
  38714  AT1G01050        f     FL_f_Dejan_19 13140258.2    FL
  40644  AT1G01050        f     FL_f_Dejan_31 11256554.9    FL
  42574  AT1G01050        f     FL_f_Dejan_35  1621509.9    FL
  44504  AT1G01050        f      FL_f_Dejan37   392228.2    FL
  46434  AT1G01050     ntrc  FL_ntrc_Dejan_30  9069074.8    FL
  48364  AT1G01050     ntrc  FL_ntrc_Dejan_38   562403.6    FL
  50294  AT1G01050     ntrc   FL_ntrc_Dejan29   175258.6    FL
  79347  AT1G01050       WT    LL_WT_Dejan_41  2443625.6    LL
  81783  AT1G01050       WT    LL_WT_Dejan_43  8529143.7    LL
  84219  AT1G01050       WT    LL_WT_Dejan_49 11054552.6    LL
  86655  AT1G01050        m     LL_m_Dejan_44 14325152.0    LL
  89091  AT1G01050        m     LL_m_Dejan_45 13114486.4    LL
  91527  AT1G01050        m     LL_m_Dejan_54  8250430.1    LL
  93963  AT1G01050        f     LL_f_Dejan_47 12431354.5    LL
  96399  AT1G01050        f     LL_f_Dejan_48 11884118.5    LL
  98835  AT1G01050        f     LL_f_Dejan_53  8408509.1    LL
  101271 AT1G01050     ntrc  LL_ntrc_Dejan_46 12214783.1    LL
  103707 AT1G01050     ntrc  LL_ntrc_Dejan_50  1286828.3    LL
  106143 AT1G01050     ntrc  LL_ntrc_Dejan_42  1819043.9    LL
", header=T)

prot2 <- prot1
prot2$Accession <- "AT3G53620"
prot <- rbind(prot1,prot2)

plots <- list()   
pdf("TEST_boxplot.pdf", onefile=T)
for (i in 1:length(IDs)){
  temp <- prot[(prot$Accession)==IDs[i],]
  p<- ggplot(temp, aes(factor(genotype), value, fill = Light)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge") +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  plots[[i]] <- p


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