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[英]Mysql update a Null column with values from another table and repeat the order


 1    generic  
 2    irregular  
 3    regular

另一個表“ Sections”包含列“ series_id”及其當前的NULL(對於所有行)。

 id title description series_id 1 Types produced Types of data produced NULL 2 Data standard Data and metadata standards NULL 3 Policies for access Policies for access and sharing NULL 4 Products of Research Products of Research NULL 5 Expected info Expected information NULL 6 Period of retention Period of data retention NULL 

我需要以序列表的ID順序更新Sections表,並重復該循環直到Section行的末尾。 例如,

 id title description series_id 1 Types produced Types of data produced 1 2 Data standard Data and metadata standards 2 3 Policies for access Policies for access and sharing 3 4 Products of Research Products of Research 1 5 Expected info Expected information 2 6 Period of retention Period of data retention 3 

我想出了一個初始查詢,但是將所有行的series_id設置為1。 另外,我不確定如何對其余行重復series_id

UPDATE sections t1
JOIN   series t2
ON     t1.series_id = t2.id
SET    t1.series_id = t2.id
WHERE  t1.series_id IS NULL;

任何指導表示贊賞。 提前致謝。


SET @s =  MAX(id) From Series;
UPDATE sections t1
JOIN   series t2
ON     MOD(t1.id, @s) = MOD(t2.id, @s)
SET    t1.series_id = t2.id
WHERE  t1.series_id IS NULL;

您不能像這樣連接兩個表,因為沒有共享列。 您可以將唯一鍵與額外的列一起使用,該列對於所有1,2,3組(例如A,B,C,D,E ....)具有不同的值,這會將series_id自動遞增為1,2,3。 這可能是最快的解決方案。 在series_id更新后,可以刪除多余的列。 另一種方法是編寫過程並使用循環。


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