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C ++多套可變參數函數集

[英]C++ Multiple sets of variadic function arguments

我正在嘗試在計算密集型應用程序中優化一個非常低級且廣泛使用的功能。 假設我有以下類型:

template<typename T, int N> 
class Elem {...};


template<typename T, int N>
void func(const Elem<T, N> & ... /*N elements*/, Elem<T, N> & ... /* N elements*/)


元素通常是取自向量/數組不同位置的元素。 例如:

Elem<float, 3> inputs[10];
Elem<float, 3> outputs[10];
func(input[4], input[2], input[9], output[6], output[8], output[1]);





template<typename... T, int N>
void func(const Elem<T, N>&... inputs, const Elem<T, N>&... outputs)
  static_assert(sizeof...(inputs) == N, "invalid number of arguments");
  static_assert(sizeof...(outputs) == N, "invalid number of arguments");
  static_assert(std::is_same<std::integral_constant<int N>...>::value, "invalid arguments");

但是我無法在VS2017上編譯此代碼。 答案可以是C ++ 17。




#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>

template<class T, std::size_t N>
struct Elem {
    T value() const { return val; }

    T val;

Elem<float, 3> input[10];
Elem<float, 3> output[10];

namespace detail {
    template<typename T, typename F, std::size_t... Is>
    constexpr auto tuple_foreach(T&& tup, F& f, std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
        using expand = int[];
                (f(std::get<Is>(std::forward<T>(tup))), 0)...

template<typename T, typename F, std::size_t TupSize = std::tuple_size_v<std::decay_t<T>>>
constexpr auto tuple_foreach(T&& tup, F f) {
    return detail::tuple_foreach(
        std::forward<T>(tup), f,

template<class Set1, class Set2>
auto func(Set1 set1, Set2 set2)
    constexpr auto N1 = std::tuple_size<Set1>::value;
    constexpr auto N2 = std::tuple_size<Set2>::value;
    static_assert(N1 == N2, "");

    // now do things with std::get<0 ... N-1>(set1) and
    // std::get<0 ... N-1>(set2);

    using result_type = std::decay_t<decltype(std::get<0>(set1).value())>;

    // let's compute the sum of the inputs
    result_type result = 0;
                        [&](auto&& elem)
                            result += elem.value();
                        [&](auto&& elem)
                            result += elem.value();

    return result;

void emit(float);

int main()
    auto x = func(std::tie(input[4], input[2], input[9]), 
                  std::tie(output[6], output[8], output[1]));


  pxor xmm0, xmm0
  sub rsp, 8
  addss xmm0, DWORD PTR input[rip+16]
  addss xmm0, DWORD PTR input[rip+8]
  addss xmm0, DWORD PTR input[rip+36]
  addss xmm0, DWORD PTR output[rip+24]
  addss xmm0, DWORD PTR output[rip+32]
  addss xmm0, DWORD PTR output[rip+4]
  call emit(float)
  xor eax, eax
  add rsp, 8



template<typename T, int N>
void func(const Elem<T, N> & ... /*N elements*/, 
          Elem<T, N> & ... /* N elements*/)



template <typename ... Es>
typename std::enable_if<checkElems<Es...>::value>::type
   func (Es & ... es)
   using type = typename checkElems<Es ...>::type;   // former T

   constexpr std::size_t num { sizeof...(Es) >> 1 }; // former N

   // ...

其中func()接收參數列表( Es & ... es ),並且僅當相對類型列表( Es ... )滿足在自定義類型特征中實現的要求列表時,才啟用SFINAE checkElems (請參見以下示例)。


  • 至少有一個參數類型
  • 第一個參數的形式為Elem<T, N> const
  • 參數類型的數量正好是2 * N
  • N類型彼此相等
  • 以下N類型彼此相等
  • const添加以下N類型,它們等於前N
  • 在不添加const ,以下N類型與前N不同

func()內部,您可以使用type (請參見示例),即Elem<T, N>T類型和num ,即Elem<T, N>N值。



#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>

template<typename T, std::size_t N> 
struct Elem {};

template <typename>
struct extrElem;

template <typename T, std::size_t N>
struct extrElem<Elem<T, N> const>
   using type = T;

   static constexpr std::size_t num { N };

template <std::size_t, std::size_t, typename ...>
struct extrTypes;

template <std::size_t Skip, std::size_t Num, typename ... Es, typename T0,
          typename ... Ts>
struct extrTypes<Skip, Num, std::tuple<Es...>, T0, Ts...>
 { using type = typename extrTypes<
      Skip-1U, Num, std::tuple<Es...>, Ts...>::type; };

template <std::size_t Num, typename ... Es, typename T0, typename ... Ts>
struct extrTypes<0U, Num, std::tuple<Es...>, T0, Ts...>
 { using type = typename extrTypes<
      0U, Num-1U, std::tuple<Es..., T0>, Ts...>::type; };

template <typename ... Es, typename T0, typename ... Ts>
struct extrTypes<0U, 0U, std::tuple<Es...>, T0, Ts...>
 { using type = std::tuple<Es...>; };

template <typename ... Es>
struct extrTypes<0U, 0U, std::tuple<Es...>>
 { using type = std::tuple<Es...>; };

template <typename>
struct sameContTypes : public std::false_type
 { };

template <template <typename ...> class C, typename T0, typename ... Ts>
struct sameContTypes<C<T0, Ts...>>
   : public std::is_same<C<T0, Ts...>, C<Ts..., T0>>
 { };

template <typename E0, typename ... Es>
struct checkElems
   static constexpr std::size_t num { extrElem<E0>::num };

   using type = typename extrElem<E0>::type;
   using lt1 = typename extrTypes<0U, num, std::tuple<>, E0, Es...>::type;
   using lt2 = typename extrTypes<num, num, std::tuple<>, E0, Es...>::type;

   static constexpr bool value {
         ( (num << 1) == 1U + sizeof...(Es) )
      && sameContTypes<lt1>::value
      && sameContTypes<lt2>::value
      && (true == std::is_same<E0,
             typename std::tuple_element<0U, lt2>::type const>::value)
      && (false == std::is_same<E0,
             typename std::tuple_element<0U, lt2>::type>::value) };

template <typename ... Es>
typename std::enable_if<checkElems<Es...>::value>::type
   func (Es & ... es)
   using type = typename checkElems<Es ...>::type;   // former T

   constexpr std::size_t num { sizeof...(Es) >> 1 }; // former N

   // ...

int main()
   Elem<int, 3>        ei3;
   Elem<int, 4>        ei4;
   Elem<int, 3> const  eci3;
   Elem<int, 4> const  eci4;

   func(eci3, eci3, eci3, ei3, ei3, ei3);    // compile
   //func(eci3, eci3, eci3, ei3, eci3, ei3); // compilation error
   //func(eci3, eci3, eci3, ei3, ei3, ei4); // compilation error
   //func(eci3, eci3, eci4, ei3, ei3, ei3); // compilation error
   //func(eci4, eci4, eci4, ei4, ei4, ei4); // compilation error
   //func(eci4, eci4, eci4, eci4, ei4, ei4, ei4); // compilation error
   func(eci4, eci4, eci4, eci4, ei4, ei4, ei4, ei4); // compile


template<typename... T, int... N>
void func(const Elem<T, N>&... elems)

如果您希望函數采用任意數量的Elem<> 如果需要將它們限制為單個T (例如, Elem<int,>Elem<float,>可能不會一起傳遞),則只需使用

template<typename T, int... N>
void func(const Elem<T, N>&... elems)


static_assert(sizeof...(elems) <= 6, "...");

在功能體內。 如果所有元素的N必須相等,並且參數數應為2 * N,請使用:

template<typename... T, int N>
void func(const Elem<T, N>&... elems) 
    static_assert(sizeof...(elems) == 2*N, "invalid number of arguments");


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