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[英]find the begin and end index of shortest substring in a string that match another pattern

給定兩個字符串textpattern ,在匹配pattern text中找到最短子字符串的開始和結尾索引,這意味着pattern中的所有字符在子字符串和pattern中都以相同的順序出現,但是在這兩個字符串之間可能還有其他字符字符。

如果可以從text找到這樣的子字符串,則打印其開始和結束索引,否則打印-1,-1。 如果存在多個最短匹配的子字符串,則返回具有最小開始索引的子字符串的索引。


axxxbcaxbcaxxbc abc

abcd x

axxxbaxbab ab


6 9

-1 -1

8 9

沒有人有一些好的算法可以解決此問題,而無需使用C ++或Python中對正則表達式的內置支持

循環遍歷文本的字符,並在文本中找到模式的第一個字符。 如果找到它,請在其余文本中搜索模式的第二個字符,然后對模式中的所有字符重復該操作,跳過文本中不需要的字符。 完成后,從下一次出現模式的第一個字符在文本中重新開始。


[axxx|b|c] -> 6 chars
[ax|b|c] -> 4 chars
[axx|b|c] -> 5 chars


[aa|baba|c] -> 6 chars
[a|baba|c] -> 5 chars
[a|ba|c] -> 4 chars
[accccccc] -> -1 chars as the substring does not match the pattern



def shortest_match(text, pattern):

    stack = [] # to store matches

    for i in range(len(text) - len(pattern) + 1):
        # if we match the firts character of pattern in
        # text then we start to search for the rest of it
        if pattern[0] == text[i]:
            j = 1 # pattern[0] already match, let's check from 1 onwards
            k = i + 1 # text[i] == pattern[0], let's check from text[i+1] onwards
            # while pattern[j] could match text[i]
            while j < len(pattern) and k < len(text):
                if pattern[j] == text[k]:
                    j += 1 # pattern[j] matched. Let's move to the next character
                k += 1
            if j == len(pattern): # if the match was found add it to the stack
                stack.append((i, k-1))
            else: # otherwise break the loop (we won't find any other match)
    if not stack: # no match found
        return (-1, -1)
    lengths = [y - x for x, y in stack] # list of matches lengths
    return stack[lengths.index(min(lengths))] # return the shortest

C ++

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;

struct match_pair
    int start;
    int end;
    int length;

print_match (match_pair m)
    cout << "(" << m.start << ", " << m.end << ")";

shortest_match (char * text, char * pattern) 

  vector <match_pair> stack; // to store matches

  for (int i = 0; strlen(text) - strlen(pattern) + 1; ++i)
    // if we match the firts character of pattern in
    // text then we start to search for the rest of it
    if (pattern[0] == text[i])
        int j = 1; // pattern[0] already match, let's check from 1 onwards
        int k = i + 1; // text[i] == pattern[0], let's check from text[i+1] onwards
        // while pattern[j] could match text[i]
        while (j < strlen(pattern) && k < strlen(text))
            if (pattern[j] == text[k])
                ++j; // pattern[j] matched. Let's move to the next character
        if (j == strlen(pattern)) // if the match was found add it to the stack
            match_pair current_match;
            current_match.start = i;
            current_match.end = k - 1;
            current_match.length = current_match.end - current_match.start;
        } else // otherwise break the loop (we won't find any other match)

  match_pair shortest;
  if (stack.empty()) // no match, return (-1, -1)
    shortest.start = -1;
    shortest.end = -1;
    shortest.length = 0;
    return shortest;
  // search for shortest match
  shortest.start = stack[0].start;
    shortest.end = stack[0].end;
    shortest.length = stack[0].length;
  for (int i = 1; i < stack.size(); ++i)
    if (stack[i].length < shortest.length)
        shortest.start = stack[i].start;
        shortest.end = stack[i].end;
        shortest.length = stack[i].length;

  return shortest;


// override << for printing match_pair
operator<< (std::ostream& os, const match_pair& m)
    return os << "(" <<  m.start << ", " << m.end << ")"; 

main () 
  char text[] = "axxxbcaxbcaxxbc";
  char pattern[] = "abc";

  cout << shortest_match(text, pattern);

  return 0;


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