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[英]Pointer to pointer to char in struct, segmentation fault

因此,我創建了一個結構,其中一個變量是指向chars動態數組的指針。 因此,我將其實現為指向指針的指針。 然后,我使用了一個單獨的函數來初始化結構:

//create a struct
typedef struct{
    //use a double pointer
    char **dynamicArray; 
    int size;
    int topValue; 

    Inintializes the stack
    Dyanmic Array will have a size of 2
void intializeStack(Stack *stack){
    stack->size = 2; 
    stack->topValue = 0;

    //create a dyanmic array of char and set the value in the struct to the address for the newly created array
    char *dyanmic; 
    dyanmic = malloc(2 * sizeof(char)); 
    stack->dynamicArray = &dyanmic; 
int main(){

    Stack stack; 

    printf("stack.size: %d\n", stack.size);
    printf("stack.topValue: %d\n", stack.topValue); 
    int i; 
    for (i = 0; i < stack.size; i++){
        *(stack.dynamicArray)[i] = 'r'; 
        printf("%d value of the dynamic array: %c\n", i, *(stack.dynamicArray)[i]);

    printf("Check if the stack is empty: %s\n",isEmpty(&stack)?"true":"false");

    return 0; 


Segmentation fault (core dumped)



for (i = 0; i < stack.size; i++){
      *(stack.dynamicArray)[i] = 'r'; 
      printf("%d value of the dynamic array: %c\n", i, *(stack.dynamicArray)[i]);

您實際上是通過此構造引用**的第一級。 嘗試以下方法:

for (i = 0; i < stack.size; i++){
    stack.dynamicArray[0][i] = 'r';
    printf("%d value of the dynamic array: %c\n", i, stack.dynamicArray[0][i]);

從這個意義上抽象f :)

char **dyanmic; 
dyanmic = malloc(sizeof(char *));
*dyanmic = malloc(2 * sizeof(char)); 
stack->dynamicArray = dyanmic; 


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