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Python Flask-如何在將圖像上傳到Amazon s3之前讀取圖像的大小

[英]Python Flask- how can I read the size of an image before uploading it to Amazon s3

如果您對Python FlaskBoto3Pillow (又名PIL )有一些經驗,這個問題可能相當簡單。

我正在嘗試從客戶端接收傳入的圖像(僅允許.jpg.jpeg.tif ,)並且我想在使用Boto3將圖像上傳到Amazon S3之前讀取圖像的尺寸。


file = request.files['file'] 
# produces an instance of FileStorage

asset = models.Asset(file, AssetType.profile_img, donor.id) 
# a model managed by the ORM

img = Image.open(BytesIO(file.stream.read()))
# produces a PIL Image object

size = img.size
# read the size of the Image object

asset.width = size[0]
asset.height = size[1]
# set the size to the ORM

response = s3.Object('my-bucket', asset.s3_key()).put(Body=file)
# upload to S3

這是捕獲,我可以(A)讀取圖像或(B)上傳到s3,但我不能兩者兼顧。 從字面上看,評論出一個或另一個會產生所需的操作,但不能兩者結合起來。

我已將其縮小到上傳范圍。 據我所知,在行的某個地方,file.strea.read()操作導致了Boto3上傳的問題,但我無法弄明白。 你能?


你很接近 - 改變S3的字節源應該這樣做。 粗略地,這樣的事情:

file = request.files['file'] 
# produces an instance of FileStorage

asset = models.Asset(file, AssetType.profile_img, donor.id) 
# a model managed by the ORM

image_bytes = BytesIO(file.stream.read())
# save bytes in a buffer

img = Image.open(image_bytes)
# produces a PIL Image object

size = img.size
# read the size of the Image object

asset.width = size[0]
asset.height = size[1]
# set the size to the ORM

response = s3.Object('my-bucket', asset.s3_key()).put(Body=image_bytes)
# upload to S3

請注意在調用S3時調用以seek和使用BytesIO。 我不能誇大BytesIOStringIO對於做這類事情有多么有用!


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