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[英]Can I force NSExpression and expressionValue to assume Doubles instead of Ints somehow?


當我使用NSExpression將字符串轉換為數學問題,然后使用expressionValue獲取結果時,Swift假設我想要一個整數。 考慮這兩個Playground示例:

let currentCalculation = "10 / 6"
let currentExpression = NSExpression(format: currentCalculation)
print(currentExpression) // 10 / 6
if let result = currentExpression.expressionValue(with: nil, context: nil) as? Double {
    print(result) // 1

let anotherCalculation = "10.0 / 6.0"
let anotherExpression = NSExpression(format: anotherCalculation)
print(anotherExpression) // 10 / 6
if let result = anotherExpression.expressionValue(with: nil, context: nil) as? Double {
    print(result) // 1.666666667

我應該怎么做才能讓我總是得到一個Double? 我不想提前解析字符串。


您可能最好使用第三方表達式解析器/評估程序,例如DDMathParser NSExpression非常有限,沒有強制浮點評估的選項。

如果你想(或必須)堅持NSExpression :這是一個可能的解決方案(遞歸地)用它們的浮點值替換表達式中的所有常量值:

extension NSExpression {

    func toFloatingPoint() -> NSExpression {
        switch expressionType {
        case .constantValue:
            if let value = constantValue as? NSNumber {
                return NSExpression(forConstantValue: NSNumber(value: value.doubleValue))
        case .function:
           let newArgs = arguments.map { $0.map { $0.toFloatingPoint() } }
           return NSExpression(forFunction: operand, selectorName: function, arguments: newArgs)
        case .conditional:
           return NSExpression(forConditional: predicate, trueExpression: self.true.toFloatingPoint(), falseExpression: self.false.toFloatingPoint())
        case .unionSet:
            return NSExpression(forUnionSet: left.toFloatingPoint(), with: right.toFloatingPoint())
        case .intersectSet:
            return NSExpression(forIntersectSet: left.toFloatingPoint(), with: right.toFloatingPoint())
        case .minusSet:
            return NSExpression(forMinusSet: left.toFloatingPoint(), with: right.toFloatingPoint())
        case .subquery:
            if let subQuery = collection as? NSExpression {
                return NSExpression(forSubquery: subQuery.toFloatingPoint(), usingIteratorVariable: variable, predicate: predicate)
        case .aggregate:
            if let subExpressions = collection as? [NSExpression] {
                return NSExpression(forAggregate: subExpressions.map { $0.toFloatingPoint() })
        case .anyKey:
            fatalError("anyKey not yet implemented")
        case .block:
            fatalError("block not yet implemented")
        case .evaluatedObject, .variable, .keyPath:
            break // Nothing to do here
        return self


let expression = NSExpression(format: "10/6+3/4")
if let result = expression.toFloatingPoint().expressionValue(with: nil, context: nil) as? Double {
    print("result:", result) // 2.41666666666667

這適用於使用算術運算符和函數的“簡單”表達式以及一些“高級”表達式類型(聯合,交集,......)。 如有必要,可以添加剩余的轉化次數。

這是Martin R的一個很好的答案,有兩個重要的變化:

  • 它只將參數轉換為除法。 任何其他函數仍然可以接收整數參數。
  • 它處理像count({1,2,3,4,5}) / count({1,2})這樣的表達式,其中除法的參數不是常量值。


import Foundation

extension NSExpression {
    func toFloatingPointDivision() -> NSExpression {
        switch expressionType {
        case .function where function == "divide:by:":
            guard let args = arguments else { break }
            let newArgs = args.map({ arg -> NSExpression in
                if arg.expressionType == .constantValue {
                    if let value = arg.constantValue as? Double {
                        return NSExpression(forConstantValue: value)
                    } else {
                        return arg
                } else {
                    return NSExpression(block: { (object, arguments, context) in
                        // NB: The type of `+[NSExpression expressionForBlock:arguments]` is incorrect.
                        // It claims the arguments is an array of NSExpressions, but it's not, it's
                        // actually an array of the evaluated values. We can work around this by going
                        // through NSArray.
                        guard let arg = (arguments as NSArray).firstObject else { return NSNull() }
                        return (arg as? Double) ?? arg
                    }, arguments: [arg.toFloatingPointDivision()])
            return NSExpression(forFunction: operand, selectorName: function, arguments: newArgs)
        case .function:
            guard let args = arguments else { break }
            let newArgs = args.map({ $0.toFloatingPointDivision() })
            return NSExpression(forFunction: operand, selectorName: function, arguments: newArgs)
        case .conditional:
            return NSExpression(forConditional: predicate,
                                trueExpression: self.true.toFloatingPointDivision(),
                                falseExpression: self.false.toFloatingPointDivision())
        case .unionSet:
            return NSExpression(forUnionSet: left.toFloatingPointDivision(), with: right.toFloatingPointDivision())
        case .intersectSet:
            return NSExpression(forIntersectSet: left.toFloatingPointDivision(), with: right.toFloatingPointDivision())
        case .minusSet:
            return NSExpression(forMinusSet: left.toFloatingPointDivision(), with: right.toFloatingPointDivision())
        case .subquery:
            if let subQuery = collection as? NSExpression {
                return NSExpression(forSubquery: subQuery.toFloatingPointDivision(), usingIteratorVariable: variable, predicate: predicate)
        case .aggregate:
            if let subExpressions = collection as? [NSExpression] {
                return NSExpression(forAggregate: subExpressions.map({ $0.toFloatingPointDivision() }))
        case .block:
            guard let args = arguments else { break }
            let newArgs = args.map({ $0.toFloatingPointDivision() })
            return NSExpression(block: expressionBlock, arguments: newArgs)
        case .constantValue, .anyKey:
        break // Nothing to do here
        case .evaluatedObject, .variable, .keyPath:
            // FIXME: These should probably be wrapped in blocks like the one
            // used in the `.function` case.
        return self


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