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mySQL >>使用CONCAT,GROUP_CONCAT和多個JOINS的查詢非常慢(63秒的記錄為100秒)

[英]mySQL >> Very Slow Query with CONCAT, GROUP_CONCAT and multiple JOINS (100 sec for 63 records)


GROUP_CONCAT(distinct t_name order by t_id separator ', ') 'Topics', 
GROUP_CONCAT(distinct ch_title order by ch_id separator ', ') 'Chapters', 
GROUP_CONCAT(distinct cs_code order by cs_id separator ', ') 'ContentStandards', 
GROUP_CONCAT(distinct c_name order by c_id separator ', ') 'Categories', 
GROUP_CONCAT(distinct s_name order by s_id separator ', ') 'SchoolSubjects' 
SELECT r.res_id, r.res_status, r.res_type, r.res_category, r.res_title, r.res_filename, r.res_source, r.res_gradelevel_from, r.res_gradelevel_to, r.res_tags, r.res_description, r.res_onserver, r.res_favoriteaccts, r.res_CreatedOn, c_id, s_id, t_id, ch_id, cs_id, 
CONCAT("<a class=""ReportLink"" href=""page.asp?category=",c_name,""" title=""",c_name,""">",c_name,"</a>") as c_name, 
CONCAT("<a class=""ReportLink"" href=""page.asp?subject=",s_name,""" title=""",s_name,""">",s_name,"</a>") as s_name, 
CONCAT("<a class=""ReportLink"" href=""page.asp?topic=",t_name,""" title=""",t_name,""">",t_name,"</a>") as t_name, 
CONCAT("<a class=""ReportLink"" href=""page.asp?cs=",cs_code,""" title=""",cs_code,""">",cs_code,"</a>") as cs_code, 
CONCAT("<a class=""ReportLink"" href=""page.asp?chapter=",ch_title,""" title=""",ch_title,""">",ch_code,": ",ch_title,"</a>") as ch_title 
FROM hre_resources r 
LEFT JOIN topic_to_resource ttr ON ttr.rt_resourceid = r.res_id 
LEFT JOIN topics t on t.t_id = ttr.rt_topicid 
LEFT JOIN topic_to_cs tcs on tcs.cst_topicid = t.t_id 
LEFT JOIN categories c ON c_id = r.res_category 
LEFT JOIN topic_to_framework ttc on ttc.ft_topicid = t.t_id 
LEFT JOIN ca_hss_frameworkchapters ch ON ch.ch_id = ttc.ft_frameworkid 
LEFT JOIN ca_hss_contentstandards cs ON cs.cs_id = tcs.cst_contentstandardid 
LEFT JOIN schoolsubjects_to_resource str ON str.sr_resid = r.res_id 
LEFT JOIN schoolsubjects s ON s.s_id = str.sr_sid) links 
WHERE RES_Status = 'Active' 

該查詢從我們的mySQL DB返回64個完全格式化的記錄,但是要花100秒鍾以上的時間。


|         Sending data          | 34.530026 |
| Creating sort index           | 24.205878 |
| Storing result in query cache | 56.739204 |


| id | select_type |   table    |  type  | possible_keys |      key      | key_len |                ref                 | rows |                                Extra                                |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2> | ref    | <auto_key0>   | <auto_key0>   | 77      | const                              |   10 | Using index condition; Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  2 | DERIVED     | r          | ALL    | NULL          | NULL          | NULL    | NULL                               |   64 | NULL                                                                |
|  2 | DERIVED     | ttr        | ref    | RT_ResourceID | RT_ResourceID | 4       | uhri_hre.r.RES_ID                  |    3 | Using where                                                         |
|  2 | DERIVED     | t          | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY       | 4       | uhri_hre.ttr.RT_TopicID            |    1 | Using where                                                         |
|  2 | DERIVED     | tcs        | ref    | CST_TopicID   | CST_TopicID   | 4       | uhri_hre.t.T_ID                    |    9 | Using where                                                         |
|  2 | DERIVED     | c          | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY       | 4       | uhri_hre.r.RES_Category            |    1 | Using where                                                         |
|  2 | DERIVED     | ttc        | ref    | FT_TopicID    | FT_TopicID    | 4       | uhri_hre.t.T_ID                    |   21 | Using where                                                         |
|  2 | DERIVED     | ch         | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY       | 4       | uhri_hre.ttc.FT_FrameworkID        |    1 | Using where                                                         |
|  2 | DERIVED     | cs         | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY       | 4       | uhri_hre.tcs.CST_ContentStandardID |    1 | Using where                                                         |
|  2 | DERIVED     | str        | ref    | SR_RESID      | SR_RESID      | 4       | uhri_hre.r.RES_ID                  |    1 | Using where                                                         |
|  2 | DERIVED     | s          | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY       | 4       | uhri_hre.str.SR_SID                |    1 | Using where                                                         |

這些表具有以下索引。 未列出的表在ID字段(主鍵)上具有索引:

|   Keyname    | Type  | Unique | Packed |    Column    | Cardinality | Collation | Null | Comment |
| PRIMARY      | BTREE | Yes    | No     | RES_ID       |          64 | A         |      |         |
| RES_Type     | BTREE | No     | No     | RES_Type     |           4 | A         |      |         |
| RES_Category | BTREE | No     | No     | RES_Category |          10 | A         |      |         |
| RES_Status   | BTREE | No     | No     | RES_Status   |           4 | A         |      |         |
| RES_Language | BTREE | No     | No     | RES_Language |           8 | A         |      |         |
| RES_Source   | BTREE | No     | No     | RES_Source   |          21 | A         |      |         |

| Keyname | Type  | Unique | Packed | Column | Cardinality | Collation | Null | Comment |
| PRIMARY | BTREE | Yes    | No     | T_ID   |          39 | A         |      |         |
| T_Name  | BTREE | No     | No     | T_Name |          39 | A         |      |         |

|        Keyname        | Type  | Unique | Packed |        Column         | Cardinality | Collation | Null | Comment |
| PRIMARY               | BTREE | Yes    | No     | CST_ID                |         685 | A         |      |         |
| CST_ContentStandardID | BTREE | No     | No     | CST_ContentStandardID |         228 | A         |      |         |
| CST_TopicID           | BTREE | No     | No     | CST_TopicID           |          76 | A         |      |         |

|    Keyname     | Type  | Unique | Packed |     Column     | Cardinality | Collation | Null | Comment |
| PRIMARY        | BTREE | Yes    | No     | FT_ID          |         471 | A         |      |         |
| FT_TopicID     | BTREE | No     | No     | FT_TopicID     |          22 | A         |      |         |
| FT_FrameworkID | BTREE | No     | No     | FT_FrameworkID |         235 | A         |      |         |

|    Keyname    | Type  | Unique | Packed |    Column     | Cardinality | Collation | Null | Comment |
| PRIMARY       | BTREE | Yes    | No     | RT_ID         |         387 | A         |      |         |
| RT_ResourceID | BTREE | No     | No     | RT_ResourceID |         129 | A         |      |         |
| RT_TopicID    | BTREE | No     | No     | RT_TopicID    |          77 | A         |      |         |

| Keyname  | Type  | Unique | Packed |  Column  | Cardinality | Collation | Null | Comment |
| PRIMARY  | BTREE | Yes    | No     | SR_ID    |         228 | A         |      |         |
| SR_SID   | BTREE | No     | No     | SR_SID   |          25 | A         |      |         |
| SR_RESID | BTREE | No     | No     | SR_RESID |         228 | A         |      |         |

| Keyname | Type  | Unique | Packed | Column | Cardinality | Collation | Null | Comment |
| PRIMARY | BTREE | Yes    | No     | C_ID   |           9 | A         |      |         |
| C_Name  | BTREE | No     | No     | C_Name |           9 | A         |      |         |


我出於其他目的在數據庫上運行了復雜的查詢,這些查詢與上面的查詢無關,並且名義上執行得很好。 因此,我認為這不是服務器資源問題。



PS。 根據以下請求從服務器添加一些信息...

|        Variable_name         |  Value  |
| query_alloc_block_size       | 8192    |
| query_cache_limit            | 1048576 |
| query_cache_min_res_unit     | 4096    |
| query_cache_size             | 1048576 |
| query_cache_type             | ON      |
| query_cache_wlock_invalidate | OFF     |
| query_prealloc_size          | 8192    |

|      Variable_name      | Value  |
| Qcache_free_blocks      |      9 |
| Qcache_free_memory      |  22736 |
| Qcache_hits             | 121910 |
| Qcache_inserts          |   9296 |
| Qcache_lowmem_prunes    |   8213 |
| Qcache_not_cached       |  29475 |
| Qcache_queries_in_cache |    103 |
| Qcache_total_blocks     |    295 |

正如我在上面的評論中提到的那樣,您似乎正在從多個表關系中獲取大量數據。 這將導致多個笛卡爾積 ,這就是為什么要獲得626K行的原因。





您可以看到,這消除了所有子查詢和臨時表,消除了笛卡爾乘積,因此您無需在任何地方使用DISTINCT,並且所有聯接都很好地針對主鍵。 它可能看起來是重復的,但是查詢優化得更好的事實應該使其運行得更快。

SELECT r.res_id, r.res_status, r.res_type, r.res_category, r.res_title, r.res_filename,
  r.res_source, r.res_gradelevel_from, r.res_gradelevel_to, r.res_tags, r.res_description,
  r.res_onserver, r.res_favoriteaccts, r.res_CreatedOn, c.c_name AS 'Categories'
FROM hre_resources AS r
INNER JOIN categories c ON c_id = r.res_category 
WHERE r.res_status = 'Active'

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys           | key        | key_len | ref                 | rows | Extra                 |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | r     | ref    | res_status,res_category | res_status | 1       | const               |    1 | Using index condition |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | c     | eq_ref | PRIMARY                 | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.r.res_category |    1 | NULL                  |

SELECT r.res_id, GROUP_CONCAT(s.s_name ORDER BY s.s_id SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'SchoolSubjects' 
FROM hre_resources AS r
INNER JOIN schoolsubjects_to_resource str ON str.sr_resid = r.res_id 
INNER JOIN schoolsubjects s ON s.s_id = str.sr_sid
WHERE r.res_status = 'Active' 
GROUP BY r.res_id

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key        | key_len | ref             | rows | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | r     | ref    | PRIMARY,res_status,res_category | res_status | 1       | const           |    1 | Using where; Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | str   | ref    | PRIMARY,sr_sid                  | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.r.res_id   |    1 | Using index              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | s     | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.str.sr_sid |    1 | NULL                     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SELECT r.res_id, GROUP_CONCAT(t.t_name ORDER BY t_id SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'Topics'
FROM hre_resources AS r
INNER JOIN topic_to_resource ttr ON ttr.rt_resourceid = r.res_id 
INNER JOIN topics t on t.t_id = ttr.rt_topicid 
WHERE r.res_status = 'Active' 
GROUP BY r.res_id

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key        | key_len | ref                 | rows | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | r     | ref    | PRIMARY,res_status,res_category | res_status | 1       | const               |    1 | Using where; Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ttr   | ref    | PRIMARY,rt_topicid              | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.r.res_id       |    1 | Using index              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t     | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.ttr.rt_topicid |    1 | NULL                     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SELECT r.res_id, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(ch.ch_code, ':', ch.ch_title) ORDER BY ch.ch_id SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'Chapters'
FROM hre_resources AS r
INNER JOIN topic_to_resource ttr ON ttr.rt_resourceid = r.res_id 
INNER JOIN topics t on t.t_id = ttr.rt_topicid 
INNER JOIN topic_to_framework ttc on ttc.ft_topicid = t.t_id 
INNER JOIN ca_hss_frameworkchapters ch ON ch.ch_id = ttc.ft_frameworkid 
WHERE r.res_status = 'Active' 
GROUP BY r.res_id

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key        | key_len | ref                     | rows | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | r     | ref    | PRIMARY,res_status,res_category | res_status | 1       | const                   |    1 | Using where; Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ttr   | ref    | PRIMARY,rt_topicid              | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.r.res_id           |    1 | Using index              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t     | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.ttr.rt_topicid     |    1 | Using index              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ttc   | ref    | PRIMARY,ft_frameworkid          | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.ttr.rt_topicid     |    1 | Using index              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ch    | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.ttc.ft_frameworkid |    1 | NULL                     |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SELECT r.res_id, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT cs.cs_code ORDER BY cs.cs_id SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'ContentStandards'
FROM hre_resources AS r
INNER JOIN topic_to_resource ttr ON ttr.rt_resourceid = r.res_id 
INNER JOIN topics t on t.t_id = ttr.rt_topicid 
INNER JOIN topic_to_cs tcs on tcs.cst_topicid = t.t_id 
INNER JOIN ca_hss_contentstandards cs ON cs.cs_id = tcs.cst_contentstandardid 
WHERE r.res_status = 'Active' 
GROUP BY r.res_id

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys                   | key        | key_len | ref                            | rows | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | r     | ref    | PRIMARY,res_status,res_category | res_status | 1       | const                          |    1 | Using where; Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ttr   | ref    | PRIMARY,rt_topicid              | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.r.res_id                  |    1 | Using index              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t     | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.ttr.rt_topicid            |    1 | Using index              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | tcs   | ref    | PRIMARY,cst_contentstandardid   | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.ttr.rt_topicid            |    1 | Using index              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | cs    | eq_ref | PRIMARY                         | PRIMARY    | 4       | test.tcs.cst_contentstandardid |    1 | NULL                     |

以下是我為這些表假定的DDL。 如果您將其包含在原始問題中,將會很有幫助。

CREATE TABLE categories (
    c_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'c_name'

CREATE TABLE hre_resources (
    res_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    res_category INT NOT NULL,
    res_status ENUM('Active', 'Inactive') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Active',
    res_type VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'type',
    res_title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'title',
    res_filename VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    res_source VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    res_gradelevel_from VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    res_gradelevel_to VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    res_tags VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    res_description VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    res_onserver VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    res_favoriteaccts VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    res_CreatedOn DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '2017-01-01',
    KEY (res_status),
    FOREIGN KEY (res_category) REFERENCES categories(c_id)

    t_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 't_name'

CREATE TABLE ca_hss_frameworkchapters (
    ch_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    ch_title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ch_title',
    ch_code VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ch_code'

CREATE TABLE ca_hss_contentstandards (
    cs_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    cs_code VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'cs_code'

CREATE TABLE schoolsubjects (
    s_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 's_name'

CREATE TABLE topic_to_framework (
    ft_topicid INT NOT NULL,
    ft_frameworkid INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (ft_topicid, ft_frameworkid),
    FOREIGN KEY (ft_topicid) REFERENCES topics(t_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (ft_frameworkid) REFERENCES ca_hss_frameworkchapters(ch_id)

CREATE TABLE topic_to_resource (
    rt_resourceid INT NOT NULL,
    rt_topicid INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (rt_resourceid, rt_topicid),
    FOREIGN KEY (rt_resourceid) REFERENCES hre_resources (res_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (rt_topicid) REFERENCES topics(t_id)

CREATE TABLE topic_to_cs (
    cst_topicid INT NOT NULL,
    cst_contentstandardid INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (cst_topicid, cst_contentstandardid),
    FOREIGN KEY (cst_topicid) REFERENCES topics(t_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (cst_contentstandardid) REFERENCES ca_hss_contentstandards(cs_id)

CREATE TABLE schoolsubjects_to_resource (
    sr_resid INT NOT NULL,
    sr_sid INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (sr_resid, sr_sid),
    FOREIGN KEY (sr_resid) REFERENCES hre_resources(res_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (sr_sid) REFERENCES schoolsubjects(s_id)


import pprint
import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors

db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", db="test", cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
cur = db.cursor()

res_data = {}

sql = """SELECT r.res_id, r.res_status, r.res_type, r.res_category, r.res_title, r.res_filename, r.res_source, r.res_gradelevel_from, r.res_gradelevel_to, r.res_tags, r.res_description,  r.res_onserver, r.res_favoriteaccts, r.res_CreatedOn, c.c_name AS 'Categories' FROM hre_resources AS r INNER JOIN categories c ON c_id = r.res_category WHERE r.res_status = 'Active'"""
for row in cur.fetchall():
  res_data[row['res_id']] = row

sql = """SELECT r.res_id, GROUP_CONCAT(s.s_name ORDER BY s.s_id SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'SchoolSubjects' FROM hre_resources AS r INNER JOIN schoolsubjects_to_resource str ON str.sr_resid = r.res_id  INNER JOIN schoolsubjects s ON s.s_id = str.sr_sid WHERE r.res_status = 'Active' GROUP BY r.res_id"""
for row in cur.fetchall():

sql = """SELECT r.res_id, GROUP_CONCAT(t.t_name ORDER BY t_id SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'Topics' FROM hre_resources AS r INNER JOIN topic_to_resource ttr ON ttr.rt_resourceid = r.res_id INNER JOIN topics t on t.t_id = ttr.rt_topicid WHERE r.res_status = 'Active' GROUP BY r.res_id"""
for row in cur.fetchall():

sql = """SELECT r.res_id, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(ch.ch_code, ':', ch.ch_title) ORDER BY ch.ch_id SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'Chapters' FROM hre_resources AS r INNER JOIN topic_to_resource ttr ON ttr.rt_resourceid = r.res_id INNER JOIN topics t on t.t_id = ttr.rt_topicid INNER JOIN topic_to_framework ttc on ttc.ft_topicid = t.t_id INNER JOIN ca_hss_frameworkchapters ch ON ch.ch_id = ttc.ft_frameworkid WHERE r.res_status = 'Active' GROUP BY r.res_id"""
for row in cur.fetchall():

sql = """SELECT r.res_id, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT cs.cs_code ORDER BY cs.cs_id SEPARATOR ', ') AS 'ContentStandards' FROM hre_resources AS r INNER JOIN topic_to_resource ttr ON ttr.rt_resourceid = r.res_id INNER JOIN topics t on t.t_id = ttr.rt_topicid INNER JOIN topic_to_cs tcs on tcs.cst_topicid = t.t_id INNER JOIN ca_hss_contentstandards cs ON cs.cs_id = tcs.cst_contentstandardid WHERE r.res_status = 'Active' GROUP BY r.res_id"""
for row in cur.fetchall():


pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()


{2L: {'Categories': 'c_name',
      'Chapters': 'ch_codech_title',
      'ContentStandards': 'cs_code',
      'SchoolSubjects': 's_name',
      'Topics': 't_name',
      'res_CreatedOn': datetime.date(2017, 1, 1),
      'res_category': 1L,
      'res_description': '',
      'res_favoriteaccts': '',
      'res_filename': '',
      'res_gradelevel_from': '',
      'res_gradelevel_to': '',
      'res_id': 2L,
      'res_onserver': '',
      'res_source': '',
      'res_status': 'Active',
      'res_tags': '',
      'res_title': 'title',
      'res_type': 'type'}}

首先將WHERE RES_Status = 'Active'派生表中。 這可能會顯着減小tmp表的大小,並可能顯着縮小“創建排序索引”階段。

然后專注於派生表。 分開。 多久時間?

至於56.7s部分,聽起來有些設置太高了。 請提供:



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