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如何在 Python 中使用字典搜索嵌套列表?

[英]How to search through a nested list with a dictionary in Python?

在 Python 3.6 中,我有一個如下所示的列表,但不知道如何正確搜索這些值。 所以,如果我得到下面的搜索字符串,我需要搜索標題和標簽的值,無論哪個匹配最多,我都會返回 id,如果有許多不同的圖像(id)具有相同的數量匹配,然后將返回標題按字母順序排在第一位的那個。 此外,它應該不區分大小寫。 因此,在代碼中,我將搜索作為要搜索的術語,它應該返回第一個 id 值,但返回不同的值。

image_info = [
    "id" : "34694102243_3370955cf9_z",
    "title" : "Eastern",
    "flickr_user" : "Sean Davis",
    "tags" : ["Los Angeles", "California", "building"]
    "id" : "37198655640_b64940bd52_z",
    "title" : "Spreetunnel",
    "flickr_user" : "Jens-Olaf Walter",
    "tags" : ["Berlin", "Germany", "tunnel", "ceiling"]
    "id" : "34944112220_de5c2684e7_z",
    "title" : "View from our rental",
    "flickr_user" : "Doug Finney",
    "tags" : ["Mexico", "ocean", "beach", "palm"]
    "id" : "36140096743_df8ef41874_z",
    "title" : "Someday",
    "flickr_user" : "Thomas Hawk",
    "tags" : ["Los Angeles", "Hollywood", "California", "Volkswagen", "Beatle", "car"]


my_counter = 0
search = "CAT IN BUILding"
search = search.lower().split()
matches = {}

for image in image_info:
    for word in search:
        word = word.lower()
        if word in image["title"].lower().split(" "):
            my_counter += 1
        if word in image["tags"]:
            my_counter +=1
    if my_counter > 0:
        matches[image["id"]] = my_counter
        my_counter = 0

您正在字典中創建新條目matches[image["id"]] = my_counter。 如果您只想在字典中為該搜索詞保留 1 個條目,並且您想要 image_id 和 count。 我已經修改了你的字典和條件。 希望能幫助到你。

my_counter = 0
search_term = "CAT IN BUILding"
search = search_term.lower().split()
matches = {}
matches[search_term] = {}

for image in image_info:
    for word in search:
        word = word.lower()
        if word in image["title"].lower().split(" "):
            my_counter += 1
        if word in image["tags"]:
            my_counter +=1
    if my_counter > 0:
        if not matches[search_term].values() or my_counter > matches[search_term].values()[0]:
            matches[search_term][image["id"]] = my_counter

        my_counter = 0

這是我嘗試在進行搜索之前預先索引數據的代碼變體。 這是CloudSearchElasticSearch如何索引和搜索的一個非常基本的實現

import itertools
from collections import Counter
image_info = [
    "id" : "34694102243_3370955cf9_z",
    "title" : "Eastern",
    "flickr_user" : "Sean Davis",
    "tags" : ["Los Angeles", "California", "building"]
    "id" : "37198655640_b64940bd52_z",
    "title" : "Spreetunnel",
    "flickr_user" : "Jens-Olaf Walter",
    "tags" : ["Berlin", "Germany", "tunnel", "ceiling"]
    "id" : "34944112220_de5c2684e7_z",
    "title" : "View from our rental",
    "flickr_user" : "Doug Finney",
    "tags" : ["Mexico", "ocean", "beach", "palm"]
    "id" : "36140096743_df8ef41874_z",
    "title" : "Someday",
    "flickr_user" : "Thomas Hawk",
    "tags" : ["Los Angeles", "Hollywood", "California", "Volkswagen", "Beatle", "car"]

my_counter = 0
search = "CAT IN BUILding california"
search = set(search.lower().split())
matches = {}

index = {}

# Building a rudimentary search index
for info in image_info:
    bag = info["title"].lower().split(" ")
    tags = [t.lower().split(" ") for t in info["tags"]] # we want to be able to hit "los angeles" as will as "los"  and "angeles"
    tags = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(tags))
    for k in (bag + tags):
        if k in index:
            index[k] = [info["id"]]


hits = []

for s in search:
    if s in index:
        hits += index[s]


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