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[英]TypeScript interface signature “(): string”


interface DateConstructor {
    new(): Date;
    new(value: number): Date;
    new(value: string): Date;
    new(year: number, month: number, date?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, ms?: number): Date;
    (): string;
    readonly prototype: Date;
      * Parses a string containing a date, and returns the number of milliseconds between that date and midnight, January 1, 1970.
      * @param s A date string
    parse(s: string): number;
      * Returns the number of milliseconds between midnight, January 1, 1970 Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) (or GMT) and the specified date.
      * @param year The full year designation is required for cross-century date accuracy. If year is between 0 and 99 is used, then year is assumed to be 1900 + year.
      * @param month The month as an number between 0 and 11 (January to December).
      * @param date The date as an number between 1 and 31.
      * @param hours Must be supplied if minutes is supplied. An number from 0 to 23 (midnight to 11pm) that specifies the hour.
      * @param minutes Must be supplied if seconds is supplied. An number from 0 to 59 that specifies the minutes.
      * @param seconds Must be supplied if milliseconds is supplied. An number from 0 to 59 that specifies the seconds.
      * @param ms An number from 0 to 999 that specifies the milliseconds.
    UTC(year: number, month: number, date?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, ms?: number): number;
    now(): number;

declare const Date: DateConstructor;

它包含奇怪的定義(): string 如何在要實現此接口的類中定義它?


這個定義意味着類構造函數也是一個沒有參數的可調用函數,當不使用new調用時,該函數將返回字符串。 您不能使用ES2015或 更高版本的 class並遵守規范,因為在沒有new情況下調用它時需要引發TypeError 相反,您可以返回一個檢測到new調用的函數,並添加了額外的屬性以實現靜態方法。

我將為您提供一個示例,其中為內置的Date構造函數對象提供包裝。 首先,讓我們描述一下界面功能類似於或不帶有new關鍵字的部分:

interface FunctionalPartOfDateConstructor {
  new(): Date;
  new(value: number): Date;
  new(value: string): Date;
  new(year: number, month: number, date?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, ms?: number): Date;
  (): string;


const funcPart = function(valueOrYear?: number | string, month?: number, date?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, ms?: number): Date | string {
  if (typeof new.target === 'undefined') {
    // called as function
    return Date();
  if (typeof valueOrYear === 'undefined') {
    // called as constructor with no arguments
    return new Date();
  if (typeof valueOrYear === 'string') {
    // called as constructor with string value argument
    return new Date(valueOrYear);
  if (typeof month === 'undefined') {
    // called as constructor with number value argument
    return new Date(valueOrYear);
  // called as constructor with year, month, date, etc arguments:
  return new Date(valueOrYear, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, ms);
} as FunctionalPartOfDateConstructor;

請注意,我使用new.target來檢測是否使用new調用了該函數。 我認為,在針對ES5時,這可以編譯為合理的內容。 並請注意,它必須弄清楚所有不同的過載簽名之間的區別。


const myDateConstructor: DateConstructor = Object.assign(funcPart, {
  prototype: Date.prototype,
  parse(s: string) {
    return Date.parse(s);
  UTC(year: number, month: number, date?: number, hours?: number, minutes?: number, seconds?: number, ms?: number) {
    return Date.UTC(year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, ms);
  now() {
    return Date.now();

如果需要,可以在TypeScript游樂場上嘗試一下 希望能有所幫助; 祝好運!


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