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[英]Javascript enters if statement when the condition should evaluate false

我有一個問題,當條件應評估為false時,javascript輸入if語句。 我將JavaScript鏈接到HTML。 HTML將表單用作每個變量的輸入,當任何形式的輸入類型均未輸入任何內容時,javascript將輸出“ 0”。

當將5輸入initialVelocity ,將45輸入finalVelocity時 ,輸出為50


function physicsFunction() {

var initialVelocity = document.getElementById('formInitialV').elements['initialVName'].value;
var finalVelocity = document.getElementById('formFinalV').elements['finalVName'].value;
var time = document.getElementById('formTime').elements['timeName'].value;
var acceleration = document.getElementById('formAcceleration').elements['accelerationName'].value;
var averageAcceleration = document.getElementById('formAvgAcceleration').elements['avgAccelerationName'].value;
var displacement = document.getElementById('formDisplacement').elements['displacementName'].value;
var averageVelocity = document.getElementById('formAvgVelocity').elements['avgVelocityName'].value;

if (initialVelocity !== undefined && acceleration !== undefined && time !== undefined) {
  var finalVelocity = (initialVelocity + acceleration * time);
  document.getElementById('paragraphOne').innerHTML = 'The final Velocity is about equal to: ' + finalVelocity +' m/s';


 function UndefinedIfEmpty(value) { if(value.trim() == "") { return undefined; } else { return value; } } // Use it: // var initialVelocity = UndefinedIfEmpty(document.getElementById('formInitialV').elements['initialVName'].value); // and so on console.log("`` is ", UndefinedIfEmpty("")); console.log("` ` is ", UndefinedIfEmpty(" ")); console.log("`12` is ", UndefinedIfEmpty("12")); 

您甚至應該轉換為數字,以避免: initialVelocity + acceleration * time => "12" + "4" * 13 => "12" + 52 => "1252" (字符串串聯)。

 function NumberOrUndefined(value) { value = value.trim(); if ( value == "" ) { return undefined; } else { return parseInt(value, 10); } } // 10 in parseInt to avoid octal convertion console.log("` ` is", NumberOrUndefined(" ")); console.log("12 is a ", typeof NumberOrUndefined("12")); 


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