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[英]angular2 - set height of components using flexbox

假設我的“主要” app.component.html中只有三行代碼:


在這里我希望頁眉組件占據屏幕的大約10%,對於內容具有70%的內容,對於頁腳-20%,使用flexbox布局,並且此大小不應更改相應組件中的內容量。 我嘗試自己添加flexbox,但是比率發生變化,尤其是對於<app-content-component> 我認為問題在於<app-content-component>內部具有多個嵌套組件,這就是為什么我需要的比率不會保持相同的原因。

設置類似內容的最簡單方法是使用flex-grow / flex-shrink ,其中它們獲得可用空間的n部分,此處設置為全視口高度。


它將保留項目的10%/ 70%/ 20%比率,但是頁眉 / 頁腳都可以根據需要調整高度,這是使用Flexbox的目的。


 body { margin: 0; } my-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 100vh; } app-header-component { flex: 1 1 0; /* 1 part(s) of 10 */ background: lightblue; } app-content-component { flex: 7 7 0; /* 7 part(s) of 10 */ background: lightgreen; overflow: auto; } app-footer-component { flex: 2 2 0; /* 2 part(s) of 10 */ background: lightblue } 
 <my-container> <app-header-component> Header </app-header-component> <app-content-component> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> Content with many lines<br> </app-content-component> <app-footer-component> Footer </app-footer-component> </my-container> 

請注意, 10英寸(即/* 7 part(s) of 10 */是每個set flex-grow / flex-shrink的總和。

您對這些組件的要求是什么? 您是否明確設置了flex-grow和flex-shrink? 如果使用速記flex,我將使用:

flex: 0 0 10%;


app-root {
  min-height: 100vh;


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