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[英]How to dynamically render a <div> content on click of a button without reloading the whole content?


 <div class="row-fluid"> <div ng-app="sampleAngular"> <div id="panel-1" ng-controller="Controller1"> <!-- some html code here that displays a table of information--> </div> <p><button type="button" onclick="onSubmit();" name="subscribe">Subscribe to Panel-2 Info</button> </p> <div id="panel-2" ng-controller="Controller2"> <!-- some html code here that displays another table of information--> </div> </div> </div>

問題:只有當用戶單擊“訂閱 Panel-2 信息”按鈕時,才會顯示 div id“panel-2”中的內容。 該按鈕應更新 DB 中的記錄,然后在不刷新整個頁面的情況下呈現 div id "panel-2" 中的內容。 如何實現此要求 - onSubmit() 函數中的任何 ajax 邏輯?

注意:我不應該渲染整個頁面,然后在“panel-2”周圍設置可見性:false ,因為在用戶訂閱(單擊按鈕)之前我不應該調用控制器“ ng-controller="Controller2 ”。

在您的onSubmit()函數中,進行 Ajax 調用,該調用應該以 HTML 格式返回您想要的結果,或者作為數據返回,然后您將其在 JavaScript 中進行 HTML 格式設置並使用innerHTML屬性顯示它。 這是一個示例(單擊按鈕查看其工作原理):

 function onSubmit() { //make your Ajax call here //if the Ajax was successful, display the result document.getElementById("panel-2").innerHTML = "some html code here that displays another table of information (this is the result of the Ajax call)"; //if the Ajax resulted in error, display an error message //document.getElementById("panel-2").innerHTML = "an error occurred"; }
 <div class="row-fluid"> <div ng-app="sampleAngular"> <div id="panel-1" ng-controller="Controller1"> some html code here that displays a table of information </div> <p><button type="button" onclick="onSubmit();" name="subscribe">Subscribe to Panel-2 Info</button> </p> <div id="panel-2" ng-controller="Controller2"></div> </div> </div>


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