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[英]Can you create an array with mathematical equations in VB?

我已經嘗試了一段時間以創建一個充滿數學方程的鋸齒狀數組,例如a * b或(ab)/ c。 像這樣的方程式。 我已經創建了一個Windows窗體並在其中工作了相當長的時間,現在我想使代碼更緊湊。 我在這里和那里進行了調整,但在使用這些方程式組成數組時似乎很費勁。 到目前為止,我有:

Dim mathEqu()() As Object = {
{values(1) / values(15), values(2) - values(1), values(3) - values(4)},
{values(0) * values(15), values(2) - values(0), values(14) / values(7)},



順便說一下,“ values()”是一個數組,其中包含從文本框中獲取的16個不同值,並且缺少的值將計算並寫入包含“ 0”(用戶未觸摸)的文本框中。



最后,我做了一個巨大的變通辦法,為values()和2個其他布爾數組的標志創建了一個布爾數組,每當mathEqu()中的一個方程可求解時(當一個方程中的所有值都可求解時)就設置一個標志/ expression不是0),另一個用於幫助設置標志(如我所說的,巨大的解決方法)。


Public Class NPNpositive

    Dim values(15) As Double
    Dim i = 0
    Dim j As Double = 0
    Dim k = 0
    Dim l = 0
    Dim p = 0

// Whenever you click the calculation-button

    Private Sub Calculation_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Calculation.Click

        Dim tbArray() As TextBox = New TextBox() {IB, IC, IE, .. .., URC, hfe}
        Dim tbBool() As Boolean = New Boolean() {False, False, False, .. .., False, False}
        For Each number In values
            If i < 16 Then
                If Double.TryParse(tbArray(i).Text, j) Then
                    values(i) = j
                End If
            End If
            i += 1
            j = 0

        Dim mathBool As Boolean()() = {
            New Boolean() {False, False, False},
            New Boolean() {False, False, False},
            New Boolean() {False, False},
            New Boolean() {False, False}
            New Boolean() {False}}


        i = 0
        j = 0
        k = 0
        p = 0

// Raising a True-flag if the value in values(i) does not equal 0

        For Each n In values
            If Not values(i) = 0 Then
                tbBool(i) = True
            End If
            i += 1

// Raising a True-flag when an expression is do-able

        Dim mathBoolHelp As Boolean() = {
            tbBool(1) And tbBool(15),
            tbBool(2) And tbBool(1),
            tbBool(3) And tbBool(4),
            tbBool(0) And tbBool(15),
            tbBool(2) And tbBool(0),
            tbBool(14) And tbBool(7),
            tbBool(12) And tbBool(8),
            tbBool(11) And tbBool(10),
            tbBool(1) And tbBool(7),
            tbBool(1) And tbBool(0)}

// Here is where the calculations are happening

        Dim mathEqu As Double()() = {
            New Double() {values(1) / values(15), values(2) - values(1), values(3) - values(4)},
            New Double() {values(0) * vlaues(15), values(2) - values(0), values(14) / values(7)},
            New Double() {values(12) / values(8), values(0) + values(1)},
            New Double() {values(11) - values(10), values(1) * values(7)},
            New Double() {values(1) / values(0)}}

i = 0

// This is where things start to look interesting
// The mathBoolHelp puts in flags in the Boolean jagged Array

        For Each m in values
            j = mathBool(i).Length
            For value As Integer = 0 To j - 1
                If mathBoolHelp(p) = True Then
                    mathBool(i)(k) = True
                End If
                k += 1
                p += 1
            i += 1
            k = 0

        i = 0
        j = 0
        k = 0

// It checks now in the counter-Boolean Array for a True
// If it finds a true at dimension k, column i, in mathBool()(), it calculates
// the number from the same spot, just from mathEqu()() instead

        For Each m In values
            If values(i) = 0 Then
                j = mathEqu(i).Length
                For value As Integer = 0 To j - 1
                    If mathBool(i)(k) = True Then
                        values(i) = mathEqu(i)(k)
                    End If
                    If Not values(i) = 0 Then
                        GoTo forEnd
                    End If
                    k += 1
            End If
            i += 1
            k = 0

這只是整個程序的一小部分。 主要問題是僅在數組中該位置需要計算的兩個/所有值都不為0時才進行計算。我以前的代碼就是這樣工作的,但是它有16個長的If語句,其中長度。 而且看起來也不漂亮。



添加對您的程序的引用。 在引用窗口中,單擊“ Com”選項卡,然后搜索“ Microsoft Script Control 1.0”。選中其左側的框,然后單擊窗口底部的“確定”。


Dim formula() As String = {"(a+b)/c", "(a^2+b^2)", "a^b"}

添加以下函數,該函數將使用字符串表達式以及該表達式的參數。 然后,它將公式中的字母替換為您提供的參數並評估結果表達式。 任務完成

Private Function EvaluateExpression(exp As String, Optional a As Double = 0, Optional b As Double = 0, Optional c As Double = 0) As Double
    Dim SC As New MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
    exp = exp.Replace("a", a.ToString)
    exp = exp.Replace("b", b.ToString)
    exp = exp.Replace("c", c.ToString)
    SC.Language = "VBSCRIPT"
    Dim Result As Double = Convert.ToDouble(SC.Eval(exp))
    Return Result
End Function


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