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[英]Java Multiple Constructor Setting Issue

所以我在使用多個構造函數時遇到問題。 基本上,我有兩個WaterDrop構造,將初始的x和y位置(第二個代碼塊)傳遞到適當的構造函數中。 問題是它沒有將int x,y實例變量設置為適當的起始位置。 它在第一個構造函數中將它們設置為精細,但是在使用第二個構造函數繪制點時,它將自動將它們設置為(0,0)位置。 無論如何,我可以調用第一個構造函數,以便將x和y位置設置為適當的起始位置嗎?

public class WaterDrop
// instance variables - replace the example below with your own
private int x;
private int y;
private int xVelocity;
private int yVelocity;
private DrawingPanel panel;
private static int DIAMETER = 1;
private int delayStart;
private int bounceLimit;

private static Random rand = new Random();

public WaterDrop(int x, int y){
    this.x = x; //**These assign just fine but I can't get them to get passed**
    this.y = y;  //**into the next WaterDrop constructor**
                 //**i.e. (200, 400)**


public WaterDrop(DrawingPanel panel, boolean move)
    //initialise instance variables //**In this constructor they are still**
                                    //**initialized to 0**
    this.panel = panel;  //**Since they are initialized at 0, when I draw the**
                         //**waterDrops they appear at the location (0, 0)**


    xVelocity = rand.nextInt(3) - 1;
    yVelocity = rand.nextInt(20) + 1 ;
    delayStart = rand.nextInt(100);
    bounceLimit = 0;



public class WaterFountain{

public WaterFountain(DrawingPanel panel, int xLocation, int yLocation)
    this.panel = panel;
    this.xLocation = xLocation;
    this.yLocation = yLocation;

    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_WATER_DROPS; i++){
         waterDrop[i] = new WaterDrop(this.xLocation, this.yLocation);


您的第二個構造函數不能僅僅神奇地“知道” xy的適當值。 您必須為其提供適當的值。 唯一的方法是向其中添加int xint y參數。 然后,可以通過調用第一個構造函數來設置xy實例變量:

public WaterDrop(int x, int y, DrawingPanel panel, boolean move)
    this(x, y);  // invoke the WaterDrop(int, int) ctor
    this.panel = panel;  


public WaterDrop(int x, int y, DrawingPanel panel, boolean move)
    this.panel = panel;  



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