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[英]How to define the function's type signature?

doWithFunctionArg :: ? -> Int -> Int -> Int 
doWithFunctionArg f a b = f a b

multiply :: Int -> Int -> Int
multiply a b = a * b

main = do
    print $ doWithFunctionArg mutiple 7 8

我不確定函數的類型簽名是什么。 multiply :: Int -> Int -> Int是乘法函數的函數類型簽名嗎? 如果是,如何為函數doWithFunctionArg編寫類型簽名? doWithFunctionArg函數具有三個參數,“ f”是函數類型,“ a”和“ b”是Int ,結果應該是Int 如果我是正確的,我應該用“?”寫什么?

multiply的類型為doWithFunctionArg Int -> Int -> Int doWithFunctionArg Int -> Int -> Int ,所以doWithFunctionArg的類型為

-- typeof(multiply) -> Int -> Int -> Int
(Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int


Prelude> doWithFunctionArg f a b = f a b
Prelude> :t doWithFunctionArg
doWithFunctionArg :: (t2 -> t1 -> t) -> t2 -> t1 -> t


您還可以將類型簽名保留在原處,僅替換未知的? 類型為通配符_ 當GHC在類型中與_相遇時,它將嘗試在其余類型簽名的上下文中僅推斷出該錯誤,從而導致推斷出的類型出錯。


> doWithFunctionArg :: _ -> Int -> Int -> Int ; doWithFunctionArg f a b = f a b

<interactive>:7:22: error:
    • Found type wildcard ‘_’ standing for ‘Int -> Int -> Int’
      To use the inferred type, enable PartialTypeSignatures
    • In the type signature:
        doWithFunctionArg :: _ -> Int -> Int -> Int
    • Relevant bindings include
        doWithFunctionArg :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int -> Int
          (bound at <interactive>:7:47)


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