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[英]TKinter not inserting a string to Text widget

對於長代碼,如果在我違反本規則之前,我事先表示歉意,因為這是我第一次在此站點上提問。 我對Python相當陌生,但是我目前正在為學校項目編寫程序,該程序從OpenFEC API請求數據,然后將其顯示在使用TKinter創建的GUI中。 如果我打印到控制台,一切都會很好,但是一旦嘗試將數據插入到“文本”小部件中,我將收到錯誤消息,並且不會顯示所有數據。 錯誤為“ TypeError:必須為str,而不是NoneType”,我嘗試使用str(varName)將變量轉換為字符串,但不起作用。 我已經在這個特定問題上工作了幾天,並且在互聯網上搜索了可能的解決方案,但是我沒有找到任何可以幫助我的東西。 感謝您能獲得的任何幫助。

import json
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import urllib.error
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk

def inputValidation(year):
    # Ask the user for a year
    # year = yearEntry.get()
    # Input validation
    year = int(year)  # Converting input to integer for comparison purposes
    if year >= 2003 and year <= 2020:
        message = "Here are the election dates  for " + str(year) + ':' + '\n'
        message = "Please enter a valid year."
    # Clear out any existing text from entry window
    data.delete(0.0, END)
    # Set the data window
    data.insert(1.0, message)
    # Convert the year back to a string
    year = str(year)
    return year

# Function to get API data
def apiCall(event, year, pageNumber):
    """ Requests data from OpenFEC API by constructing a url using predetermined
     values. """
    apiKey = 'rdudHBjgS5srIohVWYyyUL64AOsqVfRkGZD4gvMU'
    perPage = '90'  # Number of items to print per page
    electionYear = year
    nullHide = 'true'
    nullOnly = 'true'
    sort = sortNum.get()
    if sort == 1:
        sort = '-election_state'
    if sort == 2:
        sort = '-election_date'
    if sort == 3:
        sort = 'office_sought'
    url = ('https://api.open.fec.gov/v1/election-dates/?per_page=' + perPage +
           '&api_key=' + apiKey +
           '&election_year=' + electionYear +
           '&page=' + pageNumber +
           '&sort_hide_null=' + nullHide +
           '&sort_null_only=' + nullOnly +
           '&sort=' + sort)
    uh = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    data = uh.read().decode()
    js = json.loads(data)
    return js                         # We receive a dictionary with all the 
info requested

# Function to print the API info
# Provide a year between 2003 - 2020
def electionDates(event):
    year = yearEntry.get()          # User provided year
    year = inputValidation(year)
    pageNumber = '1'
    js = apiCall(event, year, pageNumber)  # Call the API by using the first function
    pages = js['pagination']['pages']
    print('TOTAL PAGES: ', pages)
    # print('TOTAL ITEMS: ', items)
    while int(pages) >= int(pageNumber):
        idx = 0
        totalItems = 0
        items = 0
        print('PAGE', pageNumber, 'OF', pages)
        for item in js['results']:
            state = js['results'][idx]['election_state']
            date = js['results'][idx]['election_date']
            electionType = js['results'][idx]['election_type_full']
            notes = js['results'][idx]['election_notes']
            office = js['results'][idx]['office_sought']
            # Changing initials from API to full office names
            if office == 'S':
                office = office.replace('S', 'Senate')  # Print out the full word instead of just the initial
            if office == 'H':
                office = office.replace('H', 'House of Representatives')  # Print out the full word, not the initial
            if office == 'P':
                office = office.replace('P', 'President')  # Print out the full word instead of just the initial
            idx = idx + 1  # idx allows us to iterate through each item in the dictionary

            # Displaying Data in Text Box
            data.insert(2.0, '' +
                    '\n' 'Date: ' + date +
                    '\n' 'State: ' + state +
                    '\n' 'Election Type: ' + electionType +
                    '\n' 'Office: ' + office +
                    '\n' 'Notes: ' + notes +
                    '\n', END)
            items = items + 1
        pageNumber = int(pageNumber) + 1
        pageNumber = str(pageNumber)
        js = apiCall(event, year, pageNumber)  # Re-call the API function to print the next page

# -------- GUI CODE --------
root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root)
sortNum = IntVar()

""" Create label, button, entry and text widgets into our frame. """
# --- Create instruction label ---
yearLbl = ttk.Label(root, text='Enter Year: ')
yearLbl.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E)

# --- Create Entry Box ---
yearEntry = ttk.Entry(root)
yearEntry.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=1, sticky=W)
yearEntry.delete(0, END)
yearEntry.insert(0, '')

# --- Create Submit Button ---
submitBtn = ttk.Button(root, text='Submit')
submitBtn.bind('<Button-1>', electionDates)
submitBtn.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=5, sticky=NSEW)

# Menu Bar
menu = Menu(root)
# Submenu
subMenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label='About', menu=subMenu)

# --- Radio Buttons to Select Sorting Method ---
# Label
sortByRB = ttk.Label(root, text='Sort by:')
sortByRB.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E)
# Radio Buttons
stateSortRB = ttk.Radiobutton(root, text='State', value=1, variable=sortNum)    
# Sort by state
stateSortRB.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W)
dateSortRB = ttk.Radiobutton(root, text='Date', value=2, variable=sortNum)      
# Sort by date
dateSortRB.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=W)
officeSortRB = ttk.Radiobutton(root, text='Office', value=3, 
variable=sortNum)  # Sort by Office
officeSortRB.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky=W)

# --- Text Widget To Display Data ---
data = Text(root, width=50, height=25, wrap=WORD)
data.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=NSEW)

# --- Scroll Bar ---
scroll = ttk.Scrollbar(root, command=data.yview)
data['yscrollcommand'] = scroll.set
scroll.grid(row=4, column=5, pady=3, sticky=NSEW)

# Window Icon

# --- Keep Window Open ---

看起來您的notes變量返回為None。 您可以這樣做,使您的代碼更健壯,更易於調試:

        undefined_s = 'N/A'
        data.insert(2.0, '' +
                '\n' 'Date: ' + (date or undefined_s) +
                '\n' 'State: ' + (state or undefined_s) +
                '\n' 'Election Type: ' + (electionType or undefined_s) +
                '\n' 'Office: ' + (office or undefined_s) +
                '\n' 'Notes: ' + (notes or undefined_s) +
                '\n', END)


       '&sort=' + str(sort))
       #          ^^^ added the str()

現在代碼運行了。 默認情況下,您應該使單選按鈕之一處於打開狀態。

我確實看到一些說明返回的是未定義的,但是我想這不是錯誤。 只是您要爬網的頁面上的什么信息的問題。 我確實看到其他一些字段也以未定義的形式返回,但這又是您正在爬網的頁面的功能。

您正在嘗試將"Notes: "notes串聯起來,但是有時候notes是None,並且不能將None添加到字符串中。 您可以手動轉換:

'\n' 'Notes: ' + str(notes) +


        data.insert(2.0, ''
                '\n' 'Date: {}'
                '\n' 'State: {}'
                '\n' 'Election Type: {}'
                '\n' 'Office: {}'
                '\n' 'Notes: {}'
                '\n'.format(date, state, electionType, office, notes)
                , END)

...或者您可以使用f字符串,盡管這些僅在Python 3.6和更高版本中可用:

        data.insert(2.0, '' +
                '\n' f'Date: {date}'
                '\n' f'State: {state}'
                '\n' f'Election Type: {electionType}'
                '\n' f'Office: {office}'
                '\n' f'Notes: {notes}'
                '\n', END)


聲明:本站的技術帖子網頁,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0協議,如果您需要轉載,請注明本站網址或者原文地址。任何問題請咨詢:yoyou2525@163.com.

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