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[英]Displaying the value in Al register



; You may customize this and other start-up templates; 
; The location of this template is c:\emu8086\inc\0_com_template.txt

org 100h

.data segment

Array DB 0h,0h,0h,0h,0h 
x db 0h  
result db  ?

.code segment 

mov si,0 

       ;these 5 lines allows me to take
       ;input and let it be shown on the screen

      mov ah,08h
      int 21h
      mov ah,02h
      mov dl,al
      int 21h

      ;those 3 lines allows me
      ;to start my code when
      ;enter button is pressed

      mov bl,0Dh
      cmp bl,dl
      JZ start

      ;those 4 lines allow me
      ;to enter 4 chars and
      ;fill an array with them
      ;to use them later

      mov array[si],dl
      inc si
      cmp si,5
      jne loop1 


      ;putting each element in the
      ;array in a register to be 
      ;able to deal with it

      mov si,0
      mov al,array[si]
      mov bl,array[si+1]
      mov cl,array[si+2]
      mov dl,array[si+3] 

      ;subtracting 30h from each 
      ;number to turn it to its
      ;decimal form to deal with
      ;it as normal number

      sub al,30h
      sub bl,30h
      sub cl,30h
      sub dl,30h 

      ;adding all numbers in
      ;variable called result

      add al,cl
      add al,bl
      add al,dl


      mov ah,02h
      mov dl,al
      int 21h




mov bh, array[si+4]    ; store the last element in BH register


sub bh, 30h             ; convert it to decimal  


add al, bh              ; add contents of AL with contents of BL 


  mov ah, 0     ; clear AH because DIV instruction takes AX for division
  mov cl, 10    ; store the divisor  in CL
  div cl        ; AX/CL remainder will be in AH & quotient in AL

  mov bx, ax    ; move AX value to BX because later instruction are going to overwrite value of AH 

  mov ah,02h     ; print quoteint
  mov dl,bl      
  add dl,30h     
  int 21h  

  mov ah,02h     ; print remainder 
  mov dl,bh
  add dl,30h
  int 21h

由於在您的情況下,所有5個元素相加后的最高數字將是2位數字(9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 45),我們只需要除一次,先打印商,然后再打印余數。 如果總和包含2個以上的數字(例如123),那么您將不得不連續重復相同的過程並將剩余的部分存儲在堆棧中,直到商為零為止。 然后,您可以從堆棧中彈出數字並在進行必要的ASCII轉換后顯示它們。


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