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[英]How to wrap loop and promise and break loop based on Promise value

我試圖找到一種方法來創建自定義等待某些條件發生。 如下所示:

static waitForActivityToHappen(activityName: string, timeout: number) {
   const startTime = PageHelper.getCurrentTime(); // Get current time in milisecond
   while ((PageHelper.getCurrentTime() - startTime) < timeout) {
       browser.sleep(PageHelper.timeout.xxs); // Poll every 1 sec
       <Do some action here>
       element.all(By.xpath(xpath)).count().then(function (count) {
        if (count > 0) {
            <break the loop here>

但這是行不通的。 請讓我知道如何實現。

我會嘗試使用browser.wait函數,它接受第一個參數作為謂詞函數,因此您可以編寫任何條件,並且只要您的謂詞函數返回true / false或Promise(將被解析為true / false),它就可以工作。

static waitForActivityToHappen(activityName:string, timeout: number) {
    let waitForActivityToHappenPredicate = function () {
        return element.all(By.xpath(xpath)).count().then(function () {
            if (count > 0) {
                return true
            } else {
                return false
        }, function (err) {return false})

    browser.wait(waitForActivityToHappenPredicate, timeout, 'Some timeout message here')

除非使用ES2017 + async函數和await否則不能將循環結構與異步代碼一起使用。 相反,您必須安排當前迭代的下一個迭代。 這是一個這樣做的例子:

static waitForActivityToHappen(activityName: string, timeout: number) {
    const startTime = PageHelper.getCurrentTime(); // Get current time in milisecond
    // Start the process
    function tick() {
        browser.sleep(PageHelper.timeout.xxs) // Poll every 1 sec
            .then(() => /*...do some action here perhaps...*/)
            .then(() => element.all(By.xpath(xpath)).count())
            .then(count => {
                if (count > 0) {
                    // Done
                } else if ((PageHelper.getCurrentTime() - startTime) < timeout) {
                    // Try again
                } else {
                    // Timed out
            .catch(err => {
                // do something with the error

如果您可以使用ES2017 +功能,則可以使用while循環編寫該功能(將像上面那樣處理):

static waitForActivityToHappen(activityName: string, timeout: number) {
    const startTime = PageHelper.getCurrentTime(); // Get current time in milisecond
    // Use an async function so we can use logical flow
    (async() => {
        // Note `await` in the below
        while ((PageHelper.getCurrentTime() - startTime) < timeout) {
            await browser.sleep(PageHelper.timeout.xxs); // Poll every 1 sec
            /*...do some action here perhaps; if it's async, await it...*/
            const count = await element.all(By.xpath(xpath)).count();
            if (count > 0) {
                // Done
    })().catch(err => {
        // do something with the error


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