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[英]ANDing Like wildcard search using multiple keywords contained via mysqli prepared statement

嘗試使用mysqli准備的語句使用(LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%')AND)而不是(LIKE CONCAT('%',?,'%')OR)進行搜索使用'call_user_func_array'代替,但盡管可以這樣做,但僅在標題中包含分手搜索字符串中的任何一個單詞時,它才返回記錄,我需要它僅返回所有單詞都包含在標題中的標題。標題。

        $searchstr    = $_POST['inputsearch'];  //Input string from form
        $searchwords  = split(" ",$searchstr);  //Breaking the string to array of words
        $totalwords   = count($searchwords);    //Total words to search for
        $ind          = 1;
            if(trim($val) !="" && strlen($val) > 0){ // check good words
              $bindingstring[$ind] = $val;            // create new array of words
        $callsqli = $conn->prepare("SELECT mytitle,myad_id FROM classifieds WHERE mytitle like CONCAT('%', ?, '%')"); //prepare with wildcards
        if(!$callsqli) {
                      echo 'Wrong SQL: Error: ' . $conn->error, E_USER_ERROR; // oops
                      return 0;
        for($i=1; $i<=$totalwords; $i++){
          $callsqli->bind_param('s',$bindingstring[$i]);            // bind each value
          $callsqli->bind_result($mytitle,$myadid);                 // get each title and advert id
                while($callsqli->fetch()){                                 // fetch each result and display
            echo "<a href='http://www.somesite.com/someview.php?&someitem=".$myadid."'>".$mytitle."</a><br />";

我假設您的所有代碼都可以正常工作,但sql部分除外,因此您需要生成包含通配符綁定的sql字符串。 您可以通過遍歷word數組並將其附加到查詢字符串中來完成此操作。 生成查詢后,將執行查詢並獲取結果:

    $searchstr    = $_POST['inputsearch'];  //Input string from form
    $searchwords = preg_split('/\s+/', $searchstr); //preg_split with whitespaces and tabs !!!
    $bindingstring = array();

    foreach($searchwords as $key => $val){
        $temp = strval(trim($val));
        if($temp != "" && strlen($temp) > 0){
            $bindingstring[] = $temp;

    $sql = "SELECT mytitle,myad_id FROM classifieds WHERE ";

    foreach($bindingstring as $key => $value){// generate the SQL
        if($key > 0){
            $sql .= "AND ";//dont include AND in the first iteration
        $sql .= "mytitle LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%') ";
    echo $sql;
    $callsqli = $conn->prepare($sql); //prepare the query
    if(!$callsqli) {
        echo 'Wrong SQL: Error: ' . $conn->error, E_USER_ERROR; // oops
        return 0;

    foreach($bindingstring as $key => $value){
      $callsqli->bind_param('s',$value);            // bind each value

    $callsqli->bind_result($mytitle,$myadid);                 // get each title and advert id

    while($callsqli->fetch()){// fetch each result and display
        echo "<a href='http://www.somesite.com/someview.php?&someitem=".$myadid."'>".$mytitle."</a><br />";



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