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[英]Optimization of rest-assured and gson at rest test with java with cucumber

我有一個rest api,它返回此嵌套響應:

   "summary":"Clear for the hour.",

因此,我需要獲取詳細的天氣預報並將其放在對象上。 我在getter和setters(未列出)上進行了HourlyWeather課程:

public class HourlyWeather {
    String time;
    String precipIntensity;
    String precipProbability;


    @Given("^rest api$")
        public void restApi() throws Throwable {
            restApiUrl = "https://api.darksky.net/forecast/******"; // my api key

@And("^rest api parameters$")
    public void restApiParameters() throws Throwable {
        restApiUrl = restApiUrl + "/37.8267,-122.4233";

    @When("^I \"([^\"]*)\" rest api execution result$")
    public void iRestApiExecutionResult(String method) throws Throwable {
       RestAssured.baseURI = restApiUrl;
       RequestSpecification httpRequest = RestAssured.given();            response = httpRequest.request(Method.GET);


這是我的問題:我在這里使用放心的方式來獲取嵌套JSON的一部分(我需要)。 我在這里進行toString轉換。 之后-我使用GSON反序列化我的字符串,並創建一個帶有所有每小時天氣json密鑰數據的HourlyWeather []對象。 有什么辦法可以避免這種轉換並簡化我的代碼?

     @Then("^I should deserialize result just to know how to do that$")
        public void iShouldDeserializeResultJustToKnowHowToDoThat() throws Throwable {
            // get only part of my nested json
            // I would like ot get this part as an array list of HourlyWeather.class objects, not
            // as ArrayList of HashMaps, so this is String here
            String stringOfRequiredJSON = response.jsonPath().getJsonObject("minutely.data").toString();

            Gson gson = new Gson();
            HourlyWeather[] hourlyWeatherForecast = gson.fromJson(stringOfRequiredJSON, HourlyWeather[].class);



我還想指出我的詳細答案,以了解為什么嘗試使用BDD進行REST API測試不是您的最佳選擇: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/47799207/143475


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