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[英]Auto coerce &String to &str

我正在嘗試將一對字符串引用列表轉換為屬性。 它適用於&str&str后跟&String (已Deref到&str)或String.as_ref() 但是,當第一個參數的類型為&String ,編譯器將出現以下錯誤:

the trait std::convert::AsRef<[(&'static str, &str)]> is not implemented for [(&str, &std::string::String); 1]


use std::collections::HashMap;

pub struct Attributes<'a>(HashMap<&'static str, &'a str>);

impl<'a, T> From<T> for Attributes<'a>
    T: AsRef<[(&'static str, &'a str)]>,
    fn from(item: T) -> Self {
        Attributes(item.as_ref().into_iter().map(|&(k, v)| (k, v)).collect())

fn main() {
    let fruit = "banana".to_string();
    let attr: Attributes = [("fruit", "apple"), ("new_fruit", &fruit)].into(); // This works. As it is coerced into &str because of the first one.
    let another: Attributes = [("fruit", &fruit)].into(); // Does not work as type is &String. Help! Make it work.
    let one_more: Attributes = [("fruit", fruit.as_ref())].into(); // Works
    println!("{:?}", attr);
    println!("{:?}", another);
    println!("{:?}", one_more);


我認為這不能使用AsRef來實現,因為同一類型可以自由實現AsRef<[(&str, &str)]>AsRef<[(&str, &String)]> ,這在任何方面都是模棱兩可的您將使用AsRef

相反,您可以為要支持的類型直接實現From ,例如各種大小的數組。

use std::collections::HashMap;

pub struct Attributes<'a>(HashMap<&'static str, &'a str>);

macro_rules! array_impls {
    ($($N:expr)+) => {
            impl<'a> From<[(&'static str, &'a str); $N]> for Attributes<'a> {
                fn from(array: [(&'static str, &'a str); $N]) -> Self {

            impl<'a> From<[(&'static str, &'a String); $N]> for Attributes<'a> {
                fn from(array: [(&'static str, &'a String); $N]) -> Self {
                    Attributes(array.iter().map(|&(k, v)| (k, v.as_ref())).collect())

array_impls! {
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    30 31 32

fn main() {
    let fruit = "banana".to_string();

    // From<[(&str, &str); 2]>
    let attr: Attributes = [("fruit", "apple"), ("new_fruit", &fruit)].into();
    println!("{:?}", attr);

    // From<[(&str, &String); 1]>
    let another: Attributes = [("fruit", &fruit)].into();
    println!("{:?}", another);


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