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基本的 javascript 條件如何添加圖像?

[英]Basic javascript conditionals how do i add an image?

好吧,這就是我被卡住的地方。 對於我在這個基本程序中的最后一個條件。 如果用戶的分數為 0,我想添加圖像。如何添加圖像。 我已經在 .js 和 .html 文件所在的文件夾中放了一張圖片。 但是插入我存檔的那個圖像的代碼是什么。 我在 .js 中寫了注釋,所以你們可能會理解。

 //user score is 0 var userscore = 0; //this is question 1 var question1 = prompt('What is 2 + 2?'); if (question1 === "4") { userscore = userscore +1; alert("Congrats thats right!");} else { alert("that is incorrect try again")} //this is question 2 var question2 = prompt('What is 2 * 2?'); if(question2==="4") { userscore = userscore +1; alert("Congrats thats right!")} else {alert("that is incorrect try again")} //this is question 3 var question3 = prompt("what is 20 + 5?"); if(question3 === "25") {userscore = userscore +1; alert("Congrats thats right!")} else{alert("that is incorrect try again")} //Scoring Guide if (userscore === 2) {document.write("Congrats You have passed the test with a score of 2/3")} if(userscore === 3) {document.write("Congrats You have passed the test with a score of 3/3")} if(userscore === 1) {document.write("You Failed with a score of 1/3, you are not very Bright")} if(userscore === 0) {document.write("You have a score of 0, your a complete idiot.")} //I want to add an image instead of the document.write command for the last line if they recieve a score o 0

而不是 document.write,只需創建一個 img 元素,設置源,然后將其附加到目標(我編寫了目標代碼,如果您只想附加到正文),如下所示:

    if(userscore === 0)
      var img = document.createElement("img");
      img.src = "/score0.png";

      var src = document.getElementById("target"); //if you want a specific source
      //var src = document.body; if you just want to append to body


  • 項目目錄
    -- index.html
    -- main.js
    -- 圖像.png


這個方法不好。 但在你的情況下,這是有效的。 只需用 img 標簽替換字符串

<img  src='image_name.extension' /> 


 //user score is 0 var userscore = 0; //this is question 1 var question1 = prompt('What is 2 + 2?'); if (question1 === "4") { userscore = userscore +1; alert("Congrats thats right!");} else { alert("that is incorrect try again")} //this is question 2 var question2 = prompt('What is 2 * 2?'); if(question2==="4") { userscore = userscore +1; alert("Congrats thats right!")} else {alert("that is incorrect try again")} //this is question 3 var question3 = prompt("what is 20 + 5?"); if(question3 === "25") {userscore = userscore +1; alert("Congrats thats right!")} else{alert("that is incorrect try again")} //Scoring Guide if (userscore === 2) {document.write("Congrats You have passed the test with a score of 2/3")} if(userscore === 3) {document.write("Congrats You have passed the test with a score of 3/3")} if(userscore === 1) {document.write("You Failed with a score of 1/3, you are not very Bright")} if(userscore === 0) {document.write("<img src='test.JPG' />")} //I want to add an image instead of the document.write command for the last line if they recieve a score o 0

首先,您應該避免一次又一次地復制粘貼相同的代碼。 相反,您可以重復使用相同的代碼,如下所示

                //user score is 0
                var userscore = 0;

                // common function for question
                var questionFunc = function(question, answer){
                    var user_answer = prompt(question);

                    if (user_answer === answer) 
                        userscore = userscore +1;
                        alert("Congrats thats right!");
                    }else { 
                        alert("that is incorrect try again");

                //this is question 1
                questionFunc('What is 2 + 2?','4');

                //this is question 2
                questionFunc('What is 2 * 2?','4');

                //this is question 3
                questionFunc('what is 20 + 5?','25');

                //Scoring Guide

                if (userscore === 2)
                    {document.write("Congrats You have passed the test with a score of 2/3")}

                if(userscore === 3)
                    {document.write("Congrats You have passed the test with a score of 3/3")}

                if(userscore === 1)
                    {document.write("You Failed with a score of 1/3, you are not very Bright")}

                if(userscore === 0)
                    {document.write("<img  src='test.JPG' />")}

                //I want to add an image instead of the document.write command for the last line if they recieve a score o 0


嘗試以相同的方式(使用該功能)實現評分指南。然后添加更多問題和答案將很容易。 與使用純 javascript 進行此類工作相比,最好使用 javascript 框架(如 JQuery)。 它會更干凈,更容易。


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