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[英]Reading strings from file and sorting

我的作業需要幫助。 除語句,cout,cin,基本運算符和基本字符串之外,不允許使用除循環以外的任何函數。 不允許使用數組。 我需要按字母順序對文件中的名稱列表進行排序,並輸出該名稱位於行的開頭和結尾。 但是,當我嘗試運行代碼時,它將停止在讀取文件的部分。 該文件位於正確的位置,因為我已經使用cout測試了它。 我不知道我在做什么錯。 任何幫助,將不勝感激! 這是代碼:

using namespace std;

int main()

    //Intialize variables
    string studentName;
    string firstEntry;
    string secondEntry;
    string first;
    string last;
    ifstream inputFile;
    string filename;
    int students;

    //Ask for amount of students
    cout << "Please enter the number of students in the class.\n(The number must be a whole number between 1 and 25.)\n";
    cin >> students;

    //Input validation
    while (students < 1 || students > 25)
        cout << "\nInvalid value. Please enter a value between 1 and 25.\n";
        cin >> students;

    //Get file name from user
    cout << "Please enter the name of the file with the list of students\n";
    cin >> filename;

    //Open the file
    if (inputFile)
        while (inputFile >> studentName)
            cin >> studentName;
            studentName = firstEntry;
            cin >> studentName;
            studentName = secondEntry;
                if (firstEntry < secondEntry)
                    firstEntry = first;
                    secondEntry = last;
                    firstEntry = last;
                    secondEntry = first;
            } while (students = 30);

            if (firstEntry < first)
                firstEntry = first;

            if (secondEntry < first)
                secondEntry = first;

            if (firstEntry > last)
                firstEntry = last;

            if (secondEntry > last)
                secondEntry = last;

        cout << first << " is the first student in line.";
        cout << last << " is the last student in line.";
        cout << "Error opening the file.\nPlease restart the program and try again.";
        return 1;

    return 0;
         cin >> studentName;

這就是程序停止的原因。 它正在等待您在鍵盤上鍵入內容。 (cin是C ++中的標准輸入)

我的真誠建議是始終使用筆和紙,並先記錄下您的要求。 在此基礎上寫下算法並將該算法轉換為代碼。 不幸的是,您在代碼中所做的一切都是錯誤的。 只需仔細考慮一下您在代碼中的工作,特別是下面的代碼:

   while (inputFile >> studentName)//Think what are you doing here?
        cin >> studentName;//???? reading into the same variable
        studentName = firstEntry;//???? what are your doing here no value in firstEntry
        cin >> studentName;//??here
        studentName = secondEntry;//?? here no value in secondEntry
            if (firstEntry < secondEntry)// this is not correct string comparison  
                firstEntry = first;//?? no value in first
                secondEntry = last;//?? no value in last




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