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AWS Cognito Admin創建的用戶臨時密碼驗證並重置

[英]AWS Cognito Admin created user temp password verify & reset

我試圖驗證管理員使用AWS Cognito通過密碼重置挑戰創建的用戶生成的臨時密碼,但我找不到如何使用臨時密碼並在javascript中為新用戶設置新密碼的方式或示例。

Amazon Cognito開發人員指南提供了一個示例,該示例使用臨時密碼進行身份驗證並處理newPasswordRequired條件:

cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {
    onSuccess: [...],
    onFailure: [...],
    mfaRequired: [...],
    newPasswordRequired: function(userAttributes, requiredAttributes) {
        // User was signed up by an admin and must provide new 
        // password and required attributes, if any, to complete 
        // authentication.

        // userAttributes: object, which is the user's current profile. It will list all attributes that are associated with the user. 
        // Required attributes according to schema, which don’t have any values yet, will have blank values.
        // requiredAttributes: list of attributes that must be set by the user along with new password to complete the sign-in.

        // Get these details and call 
        // newPassword: password that user has given
        // attributesData: object with key as attribute name and value that the user has given.
        cognitoUser.completeNewPasswordChallenge(newPassword, attributesData, this)

摘錄自以下指南: https : //docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/using-amazon-cognito-identity-user-pools-javascript-example-authenticating-admin-created-user.html

請注意,示例中completeNewPasswordChallenge的第三個參數是this ,即具有處理函數的對象。 這是因為completeNewPasswordChallenge需要onSuccessonFailure處理程序,並且您經常可以使用與authenticateUser結果相同的處理程序。

我確實瀏覽了您提到的文檔。 我不明白什么是“ attributesData ”。 以下是我到目前為止所做的事情。

var authenticationData = {
       Username : email,
       Password : temppassword,
   var authenticationDetails = new AWSCognito.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.AuthenticationDetails(authenticationData);
   cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {
       onSuccess: function (result) {
           console.log('access token + ' + result.getAccessToken().getJwtToken());
           console.log('idToken + ' + result.idToken.jwtToken);// User authentication was successful

       onFailure: function(err) {
           alert(err);// User authentication was not successful

       newPasswordRequired: function(userAttributes, requiredAttributes) {
           userAttributes: authenticationData; 
           requiredAttributes: email;
           var newPassword: password;
           // attributesData: object with key as attribute name and value that the user has given.
           cognitoUser.completeNewPasswordChallenge(newPassword, attributesData, this)


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