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[英]How to get type of each parameter for generic method


export class Test<T> {
     test: ((... params : any[]) => T) | (( ... params : any[] ) => Promise<T>
  ) {
     // Convert function or promise to promise
     this.test = this.test = (...params: any[]) => Promise.resolve(test(...params))

  // How I store the promisify'd function/promise
  private test : (...params) => Promise<T>

  // I want to see typing information on the parameters for this method
  public async execute(...params: any[]) : Promise<any> {
     try {
        return await this.test(...params)
     } catch (error) {
        return error

傳入函數或promise時,我將其存儲為promise。 當前,鍵入信息已丟失。

在execute方法中,我希望能夠看到有關要傳入的參數的類型信息; 它們應與原始函數的參數匹配。


let test = new Test( (a: number, b: string) : string => `${a}${b}`)
let output : string = test.execute(1, 'b') // should compile
let output : number = test.execute(1, 'b') // should not compile
let output : string = test.execute('b', 1) // should not compile, and this is the one I'm looking for.

有任何想法嗎? 我想知道我是否可以巧妙地使用keyof

無法在運行時獲取參數類型,類型信息在編譯期間會全部刪除。 但是,您可以在構造函數中添加一個額外的參數,並將其作為布爾文字類型鍵入,這樣,如果函數返回promise,則第二個參數必須為true,如果返回值,則第二個參數必須為false:

export class Test<T> {
    constructor(test: ((... params : any[]) => T), isPromise: false)
    constructor(test: ( ... params : any[] ) => Promise<T>, isPromise: true)
       test: ((... params : any[]) => T) | (( ... params : any[] ) => Promise<T>),
       isPromise: boolean
    ) {
       // Convert function or promise to promise
       if(!isPromise) {
           this.test =  (...params: any[]) => Promise.resolve(test(...params))
       } else {
           this.test = test;
     // How I store the promisify'd function/promise
    private test : (...params: any[]) => Promise<T>

let test = new Test<string>((a: number, b: string) : string => `${a}${b}`, false) //ok
let test2 = new Test<string>( (a: number, b: string) : string => `${a}${b}`, true) // compiler error
let test3 = new Test<string>( (a: number, b: string)  => Promise.resolve(`${a}${b}`), true) //ok
let test4 = new Test<string>( (a: number, b: string)  => Promise.resolve(`${a}${b}`), false) // compiler error



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