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BeautifulSoup find_all()找不到所有請求的元素

[英]BeautifulSoup find_all() Doesn't Find All Requested Elements


import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = """<p style='color: red;'>This has a <b>color</b> of red. Because it likes the color red</p>
<p class='blue'>This paragraph has a color of blue.</p>
<p>This paragraph does not have a color.</p>"""
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
pattern = re.compile('color', flags=re.UNICODE+re.IGNORECASE)
paras = soup.find_all('p', string=pattern)
print(len(paras)) # expected to find 3 paragraphs with word "color" in it
  <p class="blue">
    This paragraph as a color of blue.

    This paragraph does not have a color.

如您所見,由於某些原因, <p style='color: red;'>This has a <b>color</b> of red. Because it likes the color red</p>第一段<p style='color: red;'>This has a <b>color</b> of red. Because it likes the color red</p> <p style='color: red;'>This has a <b>color</b> of red. Because it likes the color red</p>不會被find_all(...)拾取, find_all(...)我不知道為什么不這樣做。

string屬性希望標簽僅包含文本,而不包含標簽。 如果您嘗試為第一個p標簽打印.string ,它將返回None ,因為它包含標簽。

或者,為了更好地解釋它, 文檔中說:

如果標簽只有一個子代,並且該子代是NavigableString ,則該子代可以作為.string



html = """<p style='color: red;'>This has a <b>color</b> of red. Because it likes the color red</p>
<p class='blue'>This paragraph has a color of blue.</p>
<p>This paragraph does not have a color.</p>"""
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

first_p = soup.find('p')
# <p style="color: red;">This has a <b>color</b> of red. Because it likes the color red</p>
# None
# This has a color of red. Because it likes the color red

paras = soup.find_all(lambda tag: tag.name == 'p' and 'color' in tag.text.lower())
# [<p style="color: red;">This has a <b>color</b> of red. Because it likes the color red</p>, <p class="blue">This paragraph has a color of blue.</p>, <p>This paragraph does not have a color.</p>]

如果要掌握'p' ,則可以執行以下操作:

import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = """<p style='color: red;'>This has a <b>color</b> of red. Because it likes the color red</p>
<p class='blue'>This paragraph has a color of blue.</p>
<p>This paragraph does not have a color.</p>"""
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

paras = soup.find_all('p')
for p in paras:
  print (p.get_text())


pattern = re.compile('color', flags=re.UNICODE+re.IGNORECASE)
desired_tags = [tag for tag in soup.find_all('p') if pattern.search(tag.text) is not None]


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