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[英]Menu bar not showing in JFrame

我在我的JFrame中添加了一個自定義JPane和一個自定義JMenuBar。 JPane顯示很好,但JMenuBar卻沒有。 我在不同的類中定義了框架和菜單欄

這是框架類:public class pixelFrame {//此框架將保留一個pixelPane用於藝術創作。 這還將包含在另一個文件中定義的菜單欄。 pixelPane editArea; pixelMenuBar menuBar; public pixelFrame(){EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){//在運行時創建新線程

        public void run() {  //when the program runs, do the following
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("Pixel Art Creator");  //create a new JFrame (similar to a regular window), and give it the following title
            editingArea = new pixelPane();
            menuBar = new pixelMenuBar();
            frame.add(editingArea);  //add a pixelPane named editingArea to the JFrame
            frame.setJMenuBar(menuBar); //adds a menu to the JFrame
            frame.pack(); //make the window big enough to fit all components (in this case, editingArea)
            frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); //set window to the center of the screen
            frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Stop the thread and terminate the program.
            frame.setVisible(true); //You can see the window.



public static void main(String[] args)
    pixelPane.gridEnabled = true; //changing another variable from pixelPane just for testing.
    new pixelFrame(); //create an instance of pixelFrame.



public class pixelMenuBar extends JMenuBar {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
JMenuBar menuBar;
JMenu file, tool;
JMenuItem save, load, changeColor;
JCheckBoxMenuItem gLines;
public pixelMenuBar() {
    menuBar = new JMenuBar();

    //creates a "File" menu in the menu bar
    file= new JMenu("File");
    menuBar.add(file); //add the menu to the menu bar

    //creates a "Tools" menu in the menu bar
    tool = new JMenu("Tools");

    //Menu items that go under the File menu
    save = new JMenuItem("Save File"); //save and export the image as an .svg file
    save.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK,KeyEvent.VK_S)); //a Ctrl+S hotkey. Handy dandy!
    file.add(save);//adds the Save button to the File menu

    load = new JMenuItem("Load File"); //load the file into BufferedImage, make it into a JLabel and add it to the panel.
    load.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK,KeyEvent.VK_L));//a Ctrl+L hotkey. Also handy dandy!
    file.add(load);//adds the Load button to the File menu

    //Menu items that will go under the Tools menu
    gLines = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Gridlines"); //creates a new checkbox for enabling grid lines. will toggle pixelPane.gridEnabled
    tool.add(gLines);//adds the gridlines tool to the Tools menu
    tool.addSeparator(); //adds a separating line in the Tools menu. Organization.

    changeColor = new JMenuItem("Change Color");//creates a new menu item that will let the user the color of the pixel. Uses a color picker
    tool.add(changeColor);//adds Change Color to the Tools menu


我沒有在UI中正確添加內容嗎? 我再次檢查了我使用的是addJMenuBar()而不是addMenuBar()。

首先,類名應該以大寫字母開頭。 您見過Java API中沒有的類嗎? 遵循Java約定。 通過例子學習。

public class pixelMenuBar extends JMenuBar 
public pixelMenuBar() 
    menuBar = new JMenuBar();

您的類是一個“ JMenuBar”,但是您在該類中要做的第一件事就是創建一個JMenuBar。



//menuBar.add(file); //add the menu to the menu bar
add(file); //add the menu to the menu bar

實際上,甚至沒有必要使用PixelMenuBar類,因為您沒有向JMenuBar添加任何新功能。 只需將一個方法添加到您的主類,如createMenuBar(...) ,即可創建JMenuBar並添加JMenu / JMenuItem對象。


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