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[英]Dynamically load a subset of React components from an array

我有一個React組件ItemsContainer,我想在其中渲染一組Item(每個都在新行中)。 ItemsContainer接收兩個道具, items是它應該渲染的Item組件的數組,而numberOfItems是一個數字,表示我一次要渲染多少個項目。 每個項目都有一個按鈕,辭退,應該讓當前項消失,導致容器中的其他項目上移,並在接下來的項目items出現(相同流上的社交媒體網站駁回通知)。 我無法弄清楚:1.如何一次僅渲染numberOfItems Items 2.如何在單擊某個項目並使其顯示下一個項目時使該項目消失,而又不會觸發其他項目的重新渲染



 const items = [{ id: 0, message: 'Test 1'},{ id: 1, message: 'Test 2'},{ id: 2, message: 'Test 3'},{ id: 3, message: 'Test 4'},{ id: 4, message: 'Test 5'},{ id: 5, message: 'Test 6'}] class App extends React.Component { state = { notifications: items, displayAmt: 2 }; renderNotifications = () => { const { notifications, displayAmt } = this.state; // First, filter out all notifications that have been dismissed // Then, splice the remaining items to only get n amount at a time // Last, map over the remaining items and render them return notifications.filter( notification => !notification.dismissed ) .splice(0, displayAmt) .map( notification => ( <li onClick={() => this.dismissNotification(notification.id)} key={notification.id}> {notification.message} </li> )); }; dismissNotification = id => { // Use the id passed in to update the item in state from dismissed: false -> true const notifications = this.state.notifications.map( notification => { if(notification.id === id) { notification.dismissed = true; } return notification; }); this.setState({ notifications }); }; render() { const notifications = this.renderNotifications(); return ( <ul> {notifications} </ul> ) } } ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('root')); 
 li { cursor: pointer; } 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/15.1.0/react-dom.min.js"></script> <div id="root"></div> 


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