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如何在Swift 4中聲明數組索引的類型

[英]How do I declare the type of an array index in swift 4

我正在嘗試創建一個2D查找表,其中的枚舉表示swift 4中表格的軸,例如:

enum ECT: Int {
  case cool = 0
  case normal
  case above_range

enum Load: Int {
  case idle = 0
  case cruise
  case wot

var timingRetard = [[Double?]](repeating: [nil,nil,nil], count 3)



timingRetard[cool][idle] = 0.0
timingRetard[cool][cruise] = 0.0
timingRetard[cool][wot] = 0.0
timingRetard[above_range][wot] = -8.0
timingRetard[normal][cruise] = 0.0

如何在給定每個軸枚舉數的情況下初始化數組后,如何聲明Swift數組的索引類型只能由枚舉類型訪問? 我以為可以在一個結構中添加TimingRetard並聲明一個下標方法來將索引限制為枚舉類型,但也沒有做到這一點。

一種實現的方法是在結構中覆蓋下標方法。 這里解釋得更好。 我使用鏈接中提到的示例以這種方式解決您的問題:

enum ECT: Int{
    case cool = 0
    case normal
    case above_range

enum Load: Int {
    case idle = 0
    case cruise
    case wot

struct TimingRetard2D {
    let rows: Int, cols: Int
    private(set) var array:[Double?]

    init(rows: Int, cols: Int, repeating:Double?) {
        self.rows = rows
        self.cols = cols
        array = Array(repeating: repeating, count: rows * cols)

    private func indexIsValid(row: Int, col: Int) -> Bool {
        return row >= 0 && row < rows && col >= 0 && col < cols

    subscript(row: ECT, col: Load) -> Double? {
        get {
            assert(indexIsValid(row: row.rawValue, col: col.rawValue), "Index out of range")
            return array[(row.rawValue * cols) + col.rawValue]
        set {
            assert(indexIsValid(row: row.rawValue, col: col.rawValue), "Index out of range")
            array[(row.rawValue * cols) + col.rawValue] = newValue

var timingRetard = TimingRetard2D.init(rows: 3, cols: 3, repeating: nil)
timingRetard[.cool, .idle] = 0.0
timingRetard[.cool, .cruise] = 0.0
timingRetard[.cool, .wot] = 0.0
timingRetard[.above_range, .wot] = -8.0
timingRetard[.normal, .cruise] = 0.0




enum ECT: Int{
    case cool = 0
    case normal
    case above_range

enum Load: Int {
    case idle = 0
    case cruise
    case wot

struct TimingRetard2D {
    let rows: Int, cols: Int
    private(set) var array:[[Double?]]

    init(rows: Int, cols: Int, repeating:Double?) {
        self.rows = rows
        self.cols = cols
        let initRow = Array(repeating: repeating, count: cols)
        array = Array(repeating: initRow, count: rows)

    private func indexIsValid(row: Int, col: Int) -> Bool {
        return row >= 0 && row < rows && col >= 0 && col < cols

    subscript(row: ECT, col: Load) -> Double? {
        get {
            assert(indexIsValid(row: row.rawValue, col: col.rawValue), "Index out of range")
            return array[row.rawValue][col.rawValue]
        set {
            assert(indexIsValid(row: row.rawValue, col: col.rawValue), "Index out of range")
            array[row.rawValue][col.rawValue] = newValue

var timingRetard = TimingRetard2D.init(rows: 3, cols: 3, repeating: nil)
timingRetard[.cool, .idle] = 0.0
timingRetard[.cool, .cruise] = 0.0
timingRetard[.cool, .wot] = 0.0
timingRetard[.above_range, .wot] = -8.0
timingRetard[.normal, .cruise] = 0.0

但是,還有沒有其他方法可以使結構的使用者也使用2D數組語法? 例如TimingRetards [.cool] [。wot]


extension Array where Element == Double? {
    subscript(load: Load) -> Element {
        get {
            return self[load.rawValue]
        set {
            self[load.rawValue] = newValue

extension Array where Element == [Double?] {
    subscript(ect: ECT) -> Element {
        get {
            return self[ect.rawValue]
        set {
            self[ect.rawValue] = newValue

var timingRetard = [[Double?]](repeating: [nil,nil,nil], count: 3)

timingRetard[.cool][.idle] = 0.0
timingRetard[.cool][.cruise] = 0.0
timingRetard[.cool][.wot] = 0.0
timingRetard[.above_range][.wot] = -8.0
timingRetard[.normal][.cruise] = 0.0



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