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Haskell解析“ let”時出錯

[英]Haskell Parsing Error on 'let'

嘿,我在解析錯誤時遇到了問題,對此我很陌生。 關於Haskell的空白規則,我發現不多。 如果您能指出正確的方向,將不勝感激。


import Data.Char

-- shorterThan function takes a filename and a length and returns all words in the file shorter than the given length.

shorterThan :: String -> Int -> IO [String]
shorterThan fileName len = do fileContents <- readFile fileName
                                let fileWords = lines fileContents
                                let shorterThanWords = [word | word <- fileWords, (length word) < len]
                                return shorterThanWords

shorterThan' :: String -> Int -> IO [String]
shorterThan' fileName len = readFile fileName >>= (\fileContents -> let fileWords = lines fileContents
                                                                        shorterThanWords = [word | word <-fileWords, (length word) < len]
                                                                    in return shorterThanWords))

您的do-block沒有正確縮進。 這是一種方法:

shorterThan :: String -> Int -> IO [String]
shorterThan fileName len = do
  fileContents <- readFile fileName
  let fileWords = lines fileContents
  let shorterThanWords = [word | word <- fileWords, length word < len]
  return shorterThanWords



我希望將“短於”邏輯分離為非I / O函數,如下所示:

shorterThan :: Int -> [String] -> [String]
shorterThan n ws = [ w | w <- ws, length w < n ]

wordsFromFile :: FilePath -> IO [String]
wordsFromFile filePath = words <$> readFile filePath

main :: IO ()
main = wordsFromFile "hello.txt" >>= mapM_ putStrLn . shorterThan 5



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