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使用產品自定義字段值覆蓋 woocommerce 購物車項目價格

[英]Override woocommerce cart item price with product custom field value

在 woocommerce 中,我使用高級自定義字段並嘗試在每個產品中獲取自定義字段值作為價格而不是默認產品價格。 此自定義字段稱為'custom_price'



 add_action( 'woocommerce_before_calculate_totals', 'add_custom_price' 

 function add_custom_price( $cart_object ) {
     $custom_price = 10; 
     foreach ( $cart_object->cart_contents as $key => $value ) {

更新 3:這是包含所有自定義字段和購物車項目價格變化的完整解決方案。

您需要添加一些 jQuery 代碼來計算產品價格,在產品頁面上顯示計算出的價格並將計算出的價格設置在隱藏字段上。



// The product custom field - Frontend
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button', 'custom_discount_price_product_field' );
function custom_discount_price_product_field() {
    global $product;

    $curs = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(); // Currency symbol

    // Get the discounted value (from product backend)
    $discount = (float) get_post_meta( $product->get_id(), '_price_discount', true );

    // jQuery will get the discount here for calculations
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="price_discount" value="'.$discount.'">';

    echo '<div>';

    woocommerce_form_field( 'select_price', array(
        'type'          => 'select',
        'class'         => array('my-field-class form-row-wide'),
        'label'         => __('Discount'),
        'options'     => array(
            ''      => __( 'Select your discount', 'woocommerce' ),
            '5'     => $curs . '5',
            '10'    => $curs . '10',
            '15'    => $curs . '15',
            '20'    => $curs . '20',
    ), '' );

    // This field will be used to send the calculated price
    // jQuery will set the calculated price on this field
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="custom_price" value="52">'; // 52 is a fake value for testing purpose

    echo '</div><br>';

    // BELOW your jquery code to calculate price and update "custom_price" hidden field
    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery( function($){
        // Here

// Add a custom field to product in backend
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_options_pricing', 'add_field_product_options_pricing' );
function add_field_product_options_pricing() {
    global $post;

    echo '<div class="options_group">';

    woocommerce_wp_text_input( array(
        'id'            => '_price_discount',
        'label'         => __('Discount price', 'woocommerce') . ' (%)',
        'placeholder'   => __('Set the Discount price…', 'woocommerce'),
        'description'   => __('Enter the custom value here.', 'woocommerce'),
        'desc_tip'      => 'true',

    echo '</div>';

// Save product custom field to database when submitted in Backend
add_action( 'woocommerce_process_product_meta', 'save_product_options_custom_fields', 30, 1 );
function save_product_options_custom_fields( $post_id ){
    // Saving custom field value
    if( isset( $_POST['_price_discount'] ) ){
        update_post_meta( $post_id, '_price_discount', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['_price_discount'] ) );

// Add custom calculated price conditionally as custom data to cart items
add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_cart_item_data', 'add_custom_price_to_cart_item_data', 20, 2 );
function add_custom_price_to_cart_item_data( $cart_item_data, $product_id ){
    if( ! isset($_POST['custom_price']) )
        return $cart_item_data;

    $cart_item_data['custom_price'] = (float) sanitize_text_field( $_POST['custom_price'] );
    $cart_item_data['unique_key'] = md5( microtime() . rand() ); // Make each item unique

    return $cart_item_data;

// Set conditionally a custom item price
add_action('woocommerce_before_calculate_totals', 'set_cutom_cart_item_price', 20, 1);
function set_cutom_cart_item_price( $cart ) {
    if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) )

    if ( did_action( 'woocommerce_before_calculate_totals' ) >= 2 )

    foreach (  $cart->get_cart() as $cart_item ) {
        if ( isset( $cart_item['custom_price'] ) )
            $cart_item['data']->set_price( $cart_item['custom_price'] );

代碼位於活動子主題(或活動主題)的 function.php 文件中。 已測試並有效(但您需要使用 jquery 進行自己的計算)


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