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Google Cloud Platform Node.js庫

[英]Google Cloud Platform Node.js Library

我正在創建一個谷歌功能。 但是,當我嘗試部署到Google Cloud Platform時,出現此錯誤

錯誤:(gcloud.beta.functions.deploy)OperationError:代碼= 3,消息=函數加載錯誤:無法加載文件index.js中的代碼。 您是否在package.json依賴項中列出了所有必需的模塊? 詳細的堆棧跟蹤:錯誤:找不到模塊“請求”

如何在Google Cloud Platform中上載/安裝“請求”庫?


'use strict';
const https = require('https');
const host = 'https://www.example.com';
const clientId = 'qpopMIGtVdeIdVk3oEtr2LGbn8vTeTWz';
const clientSecret = 'eUnsWQ8y3AuiFHJu';
const grant_type = 'client_credentials';
const resource = 'b.microsoft.com/4fa4b4a7-d34f-49af-8781-c8b39f0cf770';
const request = require("request");

exports.oauthtoken = (req, res) => {

  // Call the Apigee API
  callGetOAuthToken().then((output) => {
    // Return the results from the APigee  to DialogFlow
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    res.send(JSON.stringify({ 'speech': output, 'displayText': output }));
  }).catch((error) => {     
        // If there is an error let the user know
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    res.send(JSON.stringify({ 'speech': error, 'displayText': error }));
function callGetOAuthToken () {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

    let path = '/customers/v1/accesstoken';

    var authHeader =  Buffer.from(clientId + ':' + clientSecret).toString('base64');
    var post_options = {
                          url: host + path,
                          method: 'POST',
                            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                            'Authorization': 'Basic ' + authHeader,

    // Make the HTTP request to get the weather
    request(post_options, function(err, res, body) {
        let output = JSON.parse(body);


閱讀有關依賴關系的Google Cloud文檔: https : //cloud.google.com/functions/docs/writing/dependencies

如果使用gcloud CLI,請在package.json文件中將“請求”模塊作為依賴項列出。

或者,在包含雲功能的文件夾中運行“ npm install --save request”,然后將預安裝的依賴項作為ZIP文件的一部分上載。


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