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[英]Custom Rating Bar using Anko

我一直在探索使用Anko和Kotlin進行android開發,並且在等級欄上遇到了一些麻煩,即它的大小。 我嘗試使用自定義樣式將其縮小,但themedRatingBar似乎不起作用。 因此,我選擇制作自定義評分欄。 當我在主要活動中以這種方式設置它時,我似乎無法按照我想要的方式實現它:

starRatingView {




StarRatingView類:_LinearLayout {

 lateinit var imageViewStars: List<ImageView> private var starNum: Float = 0f private var starSize: Int = 5 constructor(context: Context): super(context) { initializeView() } fun initializeView() { with(this) { linearLayout { relativeLayout { linearLayout { for (i in 1..starSize) imageView(R.drawable.ratingbar_empty) } linearLayout { for (i in 0..Math.round(starNum)) { imageView(R.drawable.ratingbar_filled) } } } } } } fun setSize(starSize: Int){ this.starSize = starSize } fun setRating(starNum: Float){ this.starNum = starNum } 


上面是我用來創建自定義RatinBar的代碼。 盡量避免使用XML,而改用Anko。


var rateGave: String? = null
alert {
        title = "Rate your experience"
        customView {
            linearLayout {
                ratingBar {
                    numStars = 5 //here is to define the number of stars you want
                    rating = 4f //starting rate to show as the alert pop up
                    setOnRatingBarChangeListener { ratingBar, rating, fromUser ->
                        rateGave = rating.toString()
        positiveButton("Rate") { rate() }

fun rate() {
    println(rateGave) //now it's just printing out the rate to show that it's working fine, but in this function you can mange all the operations you need with the rating value

希望它會有用。 祝你今天愉快 :)


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