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[英]How to check if the property of an element in an array fetched from the API is equal to certain value using Chai?

我有一個使用expect斷言的驗證函數,該斷言檢查不同的表單字段(檢查諸如字段是否為空之類的東西)。 如果捕獲到錯誤,將顯示一條錯誤消息,指出哪個字段的聲明失敗。 一切正常。

但是我還不能檢查數組中元素的屬性是否等於某個值。 這就是我想要做的:

function validateNameAndToken (campaign) {
  let campaignName = campaign.name;

  try {
    expect(campaign.name, 'Campaign name can not be empty').to.not.be.empty

    // More expect assertions that are more or less similar

    // This is the assertion that should somehow check if the array contains 
    // an element with its name property equal to campaignName
    expect(API.campaigns, 'The campaign name can not be repeated').to.not.be.an('array').that.includes(campaign);

  catch (err) {
    console.log('Campaign#validateNameAndToken - catch: ', err)
    return { isValid: false, msg: err.message }
  return { isValid: true }


您可能需要使用.deep()。 查看文檔 希望這可以幫助。


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