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Java Collections.sort()未排序

[英]Java Collections.sort() not sorting

我在Java內置的Collections.sort()方法中遇到問題。 我正在嘗試對名為TreeNode的自定義對象類型的ArrayList進行排序。 我過去曾經成功地使用過該方法,並且希望通過外觀來查看我是否缺少任何明顯的東西。

我想對這些TreeNode對象進行排序的方式是通過它們都稱為myWeight的整數字段,該整數表示特定字符​​在文本文件中出現的次數。 在我的項目中,我使用一個名為TreeNode的自定義類,並使用該類的兩個子級命名為InternalNode和LeafNode。 這些節點用於構建用於編碼文本文件的霍夫曼樹。 我已經確保所有這些方法都實現了Comparable,並且我嘗試了僅使用具有compareTo()方法的父TreeNode類的變體,讓所有它們都具有相同的compareTo()方法,我已經放棄了compareTo()實現,以在其中使用Integer.compare()方法代替,但沒有骰子。



        private void generateHuffmanTreeTest(final HashMap<Character, Integer> theMap) {
            ArrayList<TreeNode> sortedList = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
            System.out.println("Generating the Huffman Tree with new logic...");

            for (Map.Entry<Character, Integer> entry : theMap.entrySet()) {
                sortedList.add(new LeafNode(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));

            for (int i = 0; i < sortedList.size(); i++) {
        LeafNode n = (LeafNode) sortedList.get(i);
        System.out.println(n.myData + " " + n.myWeight);


    public class TreeNode implements Comparable<TreeNode> {

    /** Left child of this node. */
    public TreeNode myLeft;

    /** Right child of this node. */
    public TreeNode myRight;

     * Weight of all nodes branching from this one, or the weight
     * of just this node if this node is a leaf.
    public int myWeight;

     * Default constructor. Should not be used to create pure 
     * TreeNode objects.
     * No TreeNodes should be constructed, only InternalNodes
     * and LeafNodes should comprise the tree.
    public TreeNode() {


     * Sets the left child of this node.
     * @param theNode The node to become the left child.
    public void setLeft(final TreeNode theNode) {
        myLeft = theNode;

     * Sets the right child of this node.
     * @param theNode The node to become the right child.
    public void setRight(final TreeNode theNode) {
        myRight = theNode;

     * Compares two TreeNodes based on their myWeight field.
    public int compareTo(TreeNode theOther) {
        int result = 0;

        if (myWeight < theOther.myWeight) result = -1;
        if (myWeight > theOther.myWeight) result = 1;

        return result;


    public class InternalNode extends TreeNode implements Comparable<TreeNode> {

     * Creates a new InternalNode.
    public InternalNode() {


     * Calculates the weight of both children from this Node.
    public void calcWeight() {
        int result = 0;

        if (myLeft != null) result = result + myLeft.myWeight;
        if (myRight != null) result = result + myRight.myWeight;

        myWeight = result;

     * Sets the left child of this node.
     * @param theNode The child to be set.
    public void setLeft(final TreeNode theNode) {
        myLeft = theNode;


     * Sets the right child of this node.
     * @param theNode The child to be set.
    public void setRight(final TreeNode theNode) {
        myRight = theNode;


     * Compares two TreeNodes based on their myWeight field.
    public int compareTo(TreeNode theOther) {
        int result = 0;

        if (myWeight < theOther.myWeight) result = -1;
        if (myWeight > theOther.myWeight) result = 1;

        return result;

    public class LeafNode extends TreeNode implements Comparable<TreeNode> {

    /** Char value for this node to hold. */
    public char myData;

    /** Weight value of the char this node holds. */
    public int myWeight;

     * Creates a new LeafNode that contains a char value for it to 
     * hold as well as a weight value that is equal to the number
     * of times that character appears in the target String.
     * @param theData The char value for this node to hold.
     * @param theWeight The frequency of the char value in the text.
    public LeafNode(final char theData, final int theWeight) {
        myData = theData;
        myWeight = theWeight;


     * Compares two TreeNodes based on their myWeight field.
    public int compareTo(TreeNode theOther) {
        int result = 0;

        if (myWeight < theOther.myWeight) result = -1;
        if (myWeight > theOther.myWeight) result = 1;

        return result;

編輯***是的,如果我也發布此內容的輸出,可能會有所幫助。 這是我從閱讀的文本文件中運行此代碼時得到的結果:

! 3923
" 17970
# 1
$ 2
% 1
' 7529
( 670
) 670
* 300
, 39891
- 6308
. 30806
/ 29
0 179
1 392
2 147
3 61
4 23
5 55
6 57
7 40
8 193
9 35
: 1014
; 1145
= 2
? 3137
@ 2
A 6574
B 3606
C 2105
D 2017
E 2259
F 1946
G 1303
H 4378
I 7931
J 308
K 1201
L 713
M 3251
N 3614
O 1635
P 6519
Q 35
R 3057
S 2986
T 6817
U 254
V 1116
W 2888
X 673
Y 1265
Z 108
[ 1
] 1
à 4
a 199232
b 31052
c 59518
d 116273
ä 1
e 312974
f 52950
g 50023
h 163026
i 166350
é 1
j 2266
ê 11
k 19230
l 95814
m 58395
n 180559
o 191244
p 39014
q 2295
r 145371
s 159905
t 219589
u 65180
v 25970
w 56319
x 3711
y 45000
z 2280

您遇到的問題是您在TreeNodemyWeight中都定義了LeafNode 結果, compareTo方法使用的myWeight變量可能與LeafNode構造函數編寫並在打印LeafNode.myWeightLeafNode.myWeight


請參閱此處有關變量隱藏的部分: https : //dzone.com/articles/variable-shadowing-and-hiding-in-java

您可以使用Comparator<TreeNode> 這樣,如果您向TreeNode類添加字段,則可以實現一個不同的比較器並將其傳遞給Collections.sort()方法。 但是,默認情況下,如果您仍然希望它們是Comparable ,則可以將它們保留為默認的compareTo()方法:


[1, 5, 6, 0, 1, 0, 8, 3, 7, 4]
[0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]


public static class TreeNode implements Comparable<TreeNode> {

  public TreeNode(int weight) {
    this.myWeight = weight;

  public int myWeight;

  public String toString() {

  return "" + myWeight;

public int compareTo(TreeNode o) {

  int val = 0;

    if (myWeight > o.myWeight) {
      val = 1;

    } else if (myWeight < o.myWeight){

      val = -1;

    return val;


public static class TreeNodeComparator implements Comparator<TreeNode> {

  // Sorts by default `compareTo()`, You can always change this
  // If you want to sort by another property
  public int compare(TreeNode o1, TreeNode o2) {

    return o1.compareTo(o2);


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

  java.util.ArrayList<TreeNode> nodes = new java.util.ArrayList<>();

  for (int i = 10; i > 0; i--) {

    int val = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 10);

    TreeNode node = new TreeNode(val);




  Collections.sort(nodes, new TreeNodeComparator());



public class SortByWeight implements Comparator<TreeNode> {

public int compare(TreeNode o1, TreeNode o2) {
return o1.myWeight - o2.myWeight;


 ArrayList<TreeNode> sortedList = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
    System.out.println("Generating the Huffman Tree with new logic...");

    TreeNode t = new TreeNode();
    t.myWeight = 2;

    TreeNode r = new TreeNode();
    r.myWeight = 5;

    TreeNode q = new TreeNode();
    q.myWeight = 1;


     //new comparator here
    Collections.sort(sortedList, new SortByWeight());

    for (int i = 0; i < sortedList.size(); i++) {





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